| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Abell Catalogue Catalóg f2 Abell
aberration s iomrall m1
aberrational ellipse éilips m4 iomrallach
aberration of lenses iomrall m1 lionsaí
aberration of starlight iomrall m1 réaltsolais
ablation s eisídiú m (gs -ithe)
absolute luminosity dearbhlonrachas m1
absolute magnitude dearbhmhéid f2
absolute temperature dearbhtheocht f3
absolute zero dearbhnialas m1
absorption s ionsú m4, ionsúchán m1
absorption coefficient comhéifeacht f3 ionsúcháin
absorption lines línte fpl ionsúcháin
absorption nebula réaltnéal m1 ionsúcháin
absorption spectrum speictream m1 ionsúcháin
abundance s líonmhaireacht f3
Acamar s (Star) Acamar m4
acceleration s luasghéarú m (gs -raithe)
acceleration due to gravity (= acceleration of gravity) luasghéarú m de bharr domhantarraingthe
acceleration of gravity (= acceleration due to gravity) luasghéarú m na domhantarraingthe
accretion s fuilleamh m1
Achernar s (Star) Achernar m4
Achilles s (Ast.) Aichill m4
achondrite s acoindrít f2
achromatic objective réadlionsa m4 neamhchrómatach
acronychal a acróiniciúil
Acrux s (Star) Acrux f4
actinometer s achtanaiméadar m1
active areas limistéir mpl ghníomhacha
active sun grian f2 ghníomhach
actual motion gluaisne f4 iarbhír
Adhara s (Star) Adhara m4
adiabatic change athrú m adiabatach
s (Ast.) Adonis m4
advance of the perihelion of Mercury tulghluaisne f4 pheirihéilean Mhearcair
aeon s aeón m1
aerial s (= antenna) aeróg f2
aerolite s aerailít f2
aeronomy s aeranomaíocht f3
aeropause s aerastad m4
aerospace s aeraspás m1
age determination cinneadh m1 aoise
age of the Galaxy aois f2 an Réaltra
age of the universe aois f2 na cruinne
air friction frithchuimilt f2 an aeir
airglow s aerloinnir f (gs -nnreach)
Air Pump, the s (= Antlia) (Const.) an tAerchaidéal m1
air resistance friotaíocht f3 aeir
Airy disc diosca m4 Airy
albedo s ailbéideacht f3
Albireo s (Star) Albireo m4
Alcor s (Star) Alcor m4
Alcyone s (Star) Alcyone f4
Aldebaran s (Star) Aldebaran m4
Alderamin s (Star) Alderamin m4
Alfvén's cosmogony cosmagnaíocht f3 Alfvén
Alfvén waves tonnta fpl Alfvén
Algenib s (Star) Algenib m4
Algieba s (Star) Algieba m4
Algol s (= the Demon Star, the Winking Demon) (Star) Algol m4
Algol-type variable réalta f4 athraitheach de chineál Algol
alidade s (= index arm) aladáid f2
Alioth s (Star) Alioth m4
Alkaid s (Star) Alkaid m4
Almach s (Star) Almach m4
Almagest s an tAlmagest m4
almanac s almanag m1
almucantar s (= parallel of altitude) almacantar m1
Alnair s (Star) Alnair m4
Alpha Centauri (Star) Alpha Centauri
Alphard s (Star) Alphard m4
Alphekka s (= Gemma, the Gem) (Star) Alphekka m4
Alpheratz s (Star) Alpheratz m4
Alphonsus s (Crat.) Alphonsus m4
Alps spl (on Moon) na hAlpa mpl
Altair s (Star) Altair m4
Altar, the s (= Ara) (Const.) an Altóir f3
altazimuth s altasamat m1
altazimuth instrument ionstraim f2 altasamait
altazimuth mounting gléasadh m altasamait
altazimuth system (= horizontal co-ordinate system) córas m1 altasamait
altitude s airde f4
altitude of the pole airde f4 an phoil
aluminizing s alúmanú m (gs -naithe)
Amalthea s (Star) Amalthea f4
ammonia clock clog m1 amóinia
ammonia crystals criostail mpl amóinia
Amor s (Ast.) Amor m4
amplitude s aimplitiúid f2
Andromeda s (Const.) Andraiméide f4
Andromeda galaxy (= Andromeda nebula, Andromeda spiral) réaltra m4 Andraiméide
Andromeda nebula (= Andromeda galaxy, Andromeda spiral) réaltnéal m1 Andraiméide
Andromeda spiral (= Andromeda galaxy, Andromeda nebula) bís f2 Andraiméide
Andromedids spl (= Bielids) (Met.Sh.) Andraiméididí fpl
angle s uillinn f2 (pl -eacha)
angle of refraction uillinn f2 athraonta
angstrom s (= Angstrom unit) angstram m1
Angstrom unit (= angstrom) aonad m1 Angstrom
angular diameter trastomhas m1 uilleach
angular distance fad m1 uilleach
annihilation s díothú m (gs -thaithe), díothúchán m1
annual aberration iomrall m1 bliantúil
annual equation cothromóid f2 bhliantúil
annual parallax saobhdhiallas m1 bliantúil
annual variation comhathrú m bliantúil
annular eclipse éiclips m4 fáinneach, urú m4 fáinneach
anomalistic monthf3 aimhrialta
anomalistic year bliain f3 aimhrialta
anomaly s aimhrialtacht f3
ansae spl ansaí mpl
antapex s frithrinn f2
Antarctic, the s an tAntartach m1
Antares s (Star) Antares m4
antenna s (= aerial) aeróg f2
anthropic principle prionsabal m1 na hantrapachta
antimatter s frithdhamhna m4
Antlia s (= the Air Pump) (Const.) Antlia f4
s apastrón m1
aperture s cró m4 (pl -ite)
aperture synthesis sintéis f2 chróite
apex s (= vertex) rinn f2
aphelion s apaihéilean m1
apocentre s (= apofocus) apalár m1
apofocus s (= apocentre) apafócas m1
apogalacticon s apairéaltracan m1
apogee s apaigí m4
Apollo s (Ast.) Apalló m4
apparent diameter trastomhas m1 dealraitheach
apparent distance fad m1 dealraitheach
apparent libration guagadh m dealraitheach
apparent luminosity lonrachas m1 dealraitheach
apparent magnitude
méid f2 dhealraitheach
apparent motion gluaisne f4 dhealraitheach
apparent noon nóin f3 dhealraitheach
apparent photographic magnitude méid f2 fhótagrafach dhealraitheach
apparent position suíomh m1 dealraitheach
apparent solar time grian-am m3 dealraitheach
apparent visual magnitude amharcmhéid f2 dhealraitheach
apparition s taispeánadh m (gs -nta)
Appleton layers cisil mpl Appleton
apse s (= apsis) aipsis f2
apsis s (= apse) aipsis f2
Apus s (= Bird of Paradise) (Const.) Apus m4
Aquarids spl (Met.Sh.) Acuairidí fpl
Aquarius s (= the Water-bearer) (Const.) Aquarius m4
Aquila s (= the Eagle) (Const.) Aquila f4
Ara s (= the Altar) (Const.) Ara f4
arc s stua m4
Archer, the s (= Sagittarius) (Const.) an Saighdeoir m3
Arctic, the s an tArtach m1
Arcturus s (Star) Arcturus m4
Arend-Roland comet cóiméad m1 Arend-Roland
Argo s (= Argo Navis, the Ship) (Const.) Argo f4
Argo Navis (= Argo, the Ship) (Const.) Argo Navis
argument of the perihelion argóint f3 an pheirihéilin
Ariel s (Sat.) Ariel m4
Aries s (= the Ram) (Const.) Aries m4
Aristarchus s (Crat.) Aristarchus m4
Arizona meteorite crater (= Barringer crater, Coon Butte crater) cráitéar m1 dreigíte Arizona
Armagh Observatory Réadlann f2 Ard Mhacha
armillary sphere sféar m1 bráisléadach
array s eagar m1
Arrow, the s (= Sagitta) (Const.) an tSaighead f2
artificial horizon léaslíne f4 shaorga
artificial satellite satailít f2 shaorga
ascending node nód m1 éiritheach
ashen light (= earthshine) liathsholas m1
aspect s (of appearance) gné f4 (pl -ithe)
s (of direction) treoíocht f3
astable multivibrator ilchreathadóir m3 neamhchobhsaí
A stars
spl A-réaltaí fpl
asterism s astaireacht f3
asteroid s (= minor planet, planetoid) astaróideach m1
asteroid(al) a astaróideach
astigmatism s aistiogmatacht f3
astrobiology s (= exobiology) réalt-bhitheolaíocht f3
astrobleme s astraibléim f2
astrograph s réaltghraf m1
Astrographic Catalogue (= Carte du Ciel) Catalóg f2 Réaltghrafach
astrolabe s astraláib f2
astrology s astralaíocht f3
astrometric binary déréalta f4 réaltmhéadrach
astrometry s réaltmhéadracht f3
astronaut s (= cosmonaut) spásaire m4
astronautics spl spásaireacht f3
astronomical clock clog m1 réalteolaíoch
astronomical constant tairiseach m1 réalteolaíoch
astronomical co-ordinates comhordanáidí fpl réalteolaíocha
astronomical instruments ionstraimí fpl réalteolaíocha
astronomical observatory réadlann f2 réalteolaíoch
astronomical society cumann m1 réalteolaíochta
astronomical telescope teileascóp m1 réalteolaíochta
astronomical triangle triantán m1 réalteolaíoch
astronomical tube feadán m1 réalteolaíoch
astronomical twilight breacsholas m1 réalteolaíoch
astronomical unit (AU) aonad m1 réalteolaíoch, AR
astronomical units of distance aonaid mpl faid réalteolaíocha
astronomical year bliain f3 réalteolaíoch
astronomical zenith forar m1 réalteolaíoch
astronomic station stáisiún m1 réalteolaíochta
astronomy s réalteolaíocht f3
astrophotography s (= stellar photography) réaltfhótagrafaíocht f3
astrophotometry s (= stellar photometry) réaltfhótaiméadracht f3
astrophysics spl réaltfhisic f2
asymmetrical star streams réaltsruthanna mpl neamhshiméadracha
ataxite s ataicsít f2
Atlas s (Star) Atlas m1
atmosphere s atmaisféar m1
atmospheric extinction díobhadh m atmaisféarach
atmospheric pollution truailliú m atmaisféarach
atmospheric refraction athraonadh m atmaisféarach
atmospheric unsteadiness neamhfhoistine f4 atmaisféarach
atmospheric window fuinneog f2 atmaisféarach
atom s adamh m1
atomic clock clog m1 adamhach
atomic weight meáchan m1 adamhach
A.U. (astronomical unit) A.R., aonad m1 réalteolaíoch
Auriga s (= the Charioteer) (Const.) Auriga m4
aurora australis (= southern lights) aurora australis
aurora borealis (= northern lights) aurora borealis
aurorae s gealáin mpl
autumn s fómhar m1
autumn equinox (= First Point of Libra) cónocht m3 an fhómhair
axis s ais f2 (pl -eanna)
azimuth s asamat m1
azimuthal mounting gléasadh m asamatach
azimuth error earráid f2 asamait



background radiation radaíocht f3 chúlra
Baily's beads péarlaí mpl Baily
Balance, the s (= Libra, the Scales) (Const.) an Mheá f4
balloon astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 bhalúin
balloon satellite satailít f2 bhalúin
Balmer jump léim f2 Balmer
Balmer series sraith f2 Balmer
band spectrum bandaspeictream m1
bar s (of galaxy) barra m4
Barlow lens lionsa m4 Barlow
Barnard's star réalta f4 Barnard
barred spiral (= barred spiral galaxy) bís f2 bharrach
barred spiral galaxy (= barred spiral) réaltra m4 bíseach barrach
Barringer crater (= Arizona meteorite crater, Coon Butte crater) cráitéar m1 Barringer
Barwell meteorite dreigít f2 Barwell
barycentre s baralár m1
baseline s bunlíne f4
basic elements bundúile fpl (gpl -dúl)
basin s imchuach m4
Bayer's nomenclature ainmníocht f3 Bayer
Bay of Rainbows (= Sinus Iridum)f4 na mBoghanna Báistí
BD (Bonner Dürchmusterung) BD, Bonner Dürchmusterung
beam width léasleithead m1
Beehive, the s (= Praesepe) (Clust.) an Choirceog f2
Bellatrix s (Star) Bellatrix f4
Belt of Orion (= Hunter's Belt, Orion's Belt) Crios m3 Oiríon, an Bhanlámh f2, an Fhearsaid f2, Slat f2 an Bhodaigh, Slat f2 an Cheannaí, Slat f2 an Rí
Berenice's Hair (= Coma Berenices) (Const.) Folt m1 Bheirnicé
Bessellian year bliain f3 Bessel
Beta Lyrae stars réaltaí fpl Beta Lyrae
Betelgeuse s (Star) Betelgeuse m4
Biela's comet cóiméad m1 Biela
biconcave lens lionsa m4 déchuasach
biconvex lens lionsa m4 dédhronnach
Bielids spl (= Andromedids) (Met.Sh.) Bílidí fpl
big bang ollphléasc f2
big crunch ollbhrúisc f2
Big Dipper, the (= the Plough) an Camchéachta m4, an Céachta m4, an tSeisreach f2
binary s (= binary star, binary system, physical double star) déréalta f4
binary star (= binary, binary system, physical double star) déréalta f4
binary system (= binary, binary star, physical double star) córas m1 déréalta
binoculars spl déshúiligh mpl
Bird of Paradise (= Apus) (Const.) Éan m1 Parthais
birefringent filter scagaire m4 dé-athraonach
black-body radiation radaíocht f3 dúchoirp
black dwarf abhac m1 dubh
Black-Eye galaxy, the réaltra m4 na Súile Duibhe
black hole dúpholl m1
blink comparator (= blink microscope) comparadóir m3 caochaíola
blink microscope (= blink comparator) micreascóp m1 caochaíola
blue clouds néalta mpl gorma
blue shift gormaistriú m (gs -ithe)
blue stellar objects réada mpl gorma réaltacha
Bode's Law (= Titius-Bode law, Titius' law) dlí m4 Bode
body s (= planet, star) (in general) rinn m3
bolide s (= fireball) bóilíd f2
bolometer s bólaiméadar m1
bolometric magnitude méid f2 bhólaiméadrach
Bonner Dürchmusterung (BD) Bonner Dürchmusterung, BD
Boötes s (= the Herdsman) (Const.) Boötes m4
Boss General Catalogue Catalóg f2 Ghinearálta Boss
bremsstrahlung s bremsstrahlung m4
bridges of matter droichid mpl damhna
bright hydrogen hidrigin f2 gheal
bright nebulae réaltnéalta mpl geala
brightness s gile f4
brown dwarf abhac m1 donn
brown star
réalta f4 dhonn
B stars spl B-réaltaí fpl
bulge s (of equator, galaxy etc.) bolg m1
Bull, the s (= Taurus) (Const.) an Tarbh m1
burning s (of nuclear fuel)m4
burst s (= outburst) rois f2 (pl -eanna)
burster s roisteoir m3
butterfly sunspot diagram léaráid f2 fhéileacánach grianspotaí



Caelum s (= the Chisel) (Const.) Caelum m4
calcium s cailciam m4
calcium stars réaltaí fpl cailciam
calendar s féilire m4
calendar reform leasú m an fhéilire
calendar year bliain f3 féilire
calibrate v calabraigh
calibration s calabrú m (gs -raithe), calabrúchán m1
calibration error earráid f2 chalabrúcháin
Callisto s (Sat.) Callisto f4
Camelopardalis s (= the Giraffe) (Const.) Camelopardalis m4
canal s canáil f3
Cancer s (= the Crab) (Const.) Cancer m4
Canes Venatici (= the Hunting Dogs) (Const.) Canes Venatici
Canis Major (= the Great Dog) (Const.) Canis Major
Canis Minor (= the Little Dog) (Const.) Canis Minor
cannibalism s canablacht f3
Canon der Finsternisse (= Canon of Eclipses) Canon der Finsternisse
Canon of Eclipses (= Canon der Finsternisse) Canóin f3 na nÉiclipsí
Canopus s (Star) Canopus m4
Capella s (Star) Capella f4
Capricornus s (= the Goat, the Sea Goat) (Const.) Capricornus m4
capture s gabháil f3
carbon s carbón m1
carbonaceous chondrite coindrít f2 charbónúil
carbon cycle (= carbon-nitrogen cycle)
timthriall m3 carbóin
carbon dioxide dé-ocsaíd f2 charbóin
carbon-nitrogen cycle (= carbon cycle) timthriall m3 carbóin is nítrigine
carbon stars réaltaí fpl carbóin
cardinal point príomhaird f2
Carina s (= the Keel) (Const.) Carina f4
Carme s (Sat.) Carme m4
Carte du Ciel (= Astrographic Catalogue) Carte du Ciel
Cassegrain telescope teileascóp m1 Cassegrain
Cassegrain system córas m1 Cassegrain
Cassini division bearna f4 Cassini
Cassiopeia s (Const.) Caiseoipé f4
Castor s (Star) Castor m4
cataclysm s mórchorraíl f3
cataclysmic hypothesis hipitéis f2 na mórchorraíola
cataclysmic variable réalta f4 athraitheach mhórchorraíola
catadioptric telescope
teileascóp m1 cataidia-optrach
cathode s catóid f2
causality s cúisíocht f3
causation s cúisíocht f3
celestial axis ais f2 neamhaí
celestial body (= heavenly body) rinn m3 neimhe
celestial co-ordinate comhordanáid f2 neamhaí
celestial equator meánchiorcal m1 neamhaí
celestial latitude leithead m1 neamhaí
celestial longitude fad m1 neamhaí
celestial measurement (= uranometry) tomhas m1 neamhaí
celestial mechanics meicnic f2 neamhaí
celestial meridian fadlíne f4 neamhaí
celestial pole pol m1 neamhaí
celestial sphere sféar m1 neamhaí
Centaur, the s (= Centaurus) (Const.) an Ceinteár m1
Centaurus s (= the Centaur) (Const.) Centaurus m4
central adjuster coigeartóir m3 lárnach
central-diaphragm method modh m3 an spiara lárnaigh
Central European Time (CET) (= Middle European Time) Am m3 Lár na hEorpa, ALE
central line líne f4 lárnach
central motion gluaisne f4 lárnach
central peaks beanna fpl lárnacha
centrifugal force fórsa m4 lártheifeach
centrifuge s lártheifneoir m3
centroid of motion meánlár m1 gluaisne
Cepheid s (= Cepheid variable star) Ceifid f2
Cepheid variable star (= Cepheid) réalta f4 athraitheach Ceifide
Cepheus s (Const.) Ceiféas m1
Ceres s (Ast.) Ceres f4
CET (Central European Time) (= Middle European Time) ALE, Am m3 Lár na hEorpa
Cetus s (= the Whale) (Const.) Cetus m4
chain reaction imoibriú m slabhrúil
Chamaeleon s (= the Chameleon) (Const.) Chamaeleon m4
Chameleon, the s (= Chamaeleon) (Const.) an Caimileon m1
Chandrasekhar limit teorainn f Chandrasekhar
chaos s anord m1
chaotic a anordúil
characteristic curve sainchuar m1
charge s lucht m3
charge-coupled device feiste f4 luchtchúpláilte
charged particle cáithnín m4 luchtaithe
Charioteer, the s (= Auriga) (Const.) an tAra m4
Charles' Heart (= Cor Caroli) (Star) Croí m4 Shéarlais
Charon s Carón m1
Chiron s (Ast.) Chiron m4
Chisel, the s (= Caelum) (Const.) an Siséal m1
chondrite s coindrít f2
chondrule s coindriúl m1
chromatic aberration
iomrall m1 crómatach
chromosphere s crómaisféar m1
chronograph s crónagraf m1
chronology s cróineolaíocht f3
chronometer s crónaiméadar m1
Circinus s (= the Compasses) (Const.) Circinus m4
circle of longitude ciorcal m1 faid
circular velocity treoluas m1 ciorclach
circum-meridian altitudes airdí fpl imfhadlíneacha
circumpolar stars réaltaí fpl timpholacha
cislunar a cisghealaí gs as a
civil time am m3 sibhialta
clear photograph fótagraf m1 glan
cleft s (= rill, rille) gág f2 ghealaí
clepsydra s (= water clock) dobharchlog m1
Clock, the s (= Horologium) (Const.) an Clog m1
close binary déréalta f4 chóngarach
closed universe cruinne f4 iata
cloud cover
brat m1 scamall
cloud top barr m1 na scamall
cluster s braisle f4
cluster s (= star cluster) réaltbhraisle f4
cluster of galaxies braisle f4 réaltraí
cluster variable réalta f4 athraitheach réaltbhraisle
coalesce v comhtháthaigh (pp -tháite)
Coalsack, the s (Neb.) an Gualmhála m4
coelostat s (= heliostat, siderostat) céileastat m1
collapsar s cliseár m1
collapse v imphléasc (pp -tha)
collecting dish mias f2 chruinnithe
collide (with) v imbhuail (faoi)
collimate v comhlínigh
collimation s comhlíniú m (gs -ithe), comhlíniúchán m1
collimation error earráid f2 chomhlíniúcháin
collimator s comhlínitheoir m3
collision s imbhualadh m (gs -uailte)
colorimetry s dathmhéadracht m3
colour s dath m3 (pl -anna)
coloured stars réaltaí fpl daite
colour equivalent dathchoibhéis f2
colour excess dathbharraíocht f3
colour index dathinnéacs m4
colour-luminosity diagram léaráid f2 datha is lonrachais
colour-magnitude diagram léaráid f2 datha is méide
colour temperature dath-theocht f3
Columba s (= the Dove) (Const.) Columba f4
colure s colúr m1
coma s cóma m4
Coma Berenices (= Berenice's Hair) (Const.) Coma Berenices
Coma cluster braisle f4 Bheirnicé
comes s coimhdire m4
comet s cóiméad m1, réalta f4 (an) eireabaill, réalta f4 mhongach, réalta f4 (na) scuaibe
cometary a cóiméadach
cometary débris smionagar m1 cóiméid
cometary swarm saithe f4 cóiméad
comet-seeker s lorgaire m4 cóiméad
communications satellite satailít f2 chumarsáide
compact galaxy dlúthréaltra m4
companion s compánach m1
Companion of Sirius (= Sirius B) (Star) Compánach m1 Sirius
comparator s comparadóir m3
comparison spectrum speictream m1 comparáide
Compasses, the spl (= Circinus) (Const.) an Compás m1
components spl (of binary system) comhbhaill mpl
composition s comhshuíomh m1
compound s comhdhúil f2 (gpl -dhúl)
compound achromatic lens comhlionsa m4 neamhchrómatach
concave grating gríl f2 chuasach
concave lens lionsa m4 cuasach
concavo-convex lens lionsa m4 cuasdronnach
concentric circle ciorcal m1 comhlárnach
condensation s comhdhlúthú m (gs -thaithe)
configuration s cumraíocht f3
conic section cónghearradh m (gs -rrtha, pl -rrthacha)
conjunction s cónasc m1
constant of aberration tairiseach m1 (an) iomraill
constant of gravitation tairiseach m1 na himtharraingthe
constant of precession tairiseach m1 (na) luainíochta
constant of refraction tairiseach m1 (an) athraonta
constant variable réalta f4 athraitheach thairiseach
constellation s réaltbhuíon f2 (pl -ta)
contact binary déréalta f4 theagmhála
continuous radio radiation radaradaíocht f3 leanúnach
continuous spectrum speictream m1 leanúnach
contraction theory teoiric f2 an chraptha
convection s comhiompar m1
convection zone crios m3 comhiompair
convective core
croí m4 comhiomprach
converge v inréimnigh
convergence s inréimneacht f3
convergent point pointe m4 inréimneach
converging-lens system córas m1 lionsa inréimnigh
convex lens lionsa m4 dronnach
convex mirror scáthán m1 dronnach
convexo-concave lens lionsa m4 dronnchuasach
Coon Butte crater (= Arizona meteorite crater, Barringer crater) cráitéar m1 Coon Butte
Copernican system córas m1 Copernicus
Copernicus s (Crat.) Copernicus m4
Cor Caroli (= Charles' Heart) (Star) Cor Caroli
core s (of star) croí m4
Coriolis acceleration luasghéarú m Coriolis
Coriolis effect iarmhairt f3 Coriolis
Coriolis force fórsa m4 Coriolis
corona s coróin f (gs -ónach)
Corona Australis (= the Southern Crown) (Const.) Corona Australis
Corona Borealis (= the Northern Crown) (Const.) Corona Borealis
coronagraph s corónagraf m1
coronal condensations comhdhlúthuithe m corónacha
coronal lines línte fpl corónacha
coronium s coróiniam m4
corpuscle s coirpín m4
corpuscular radiation radaíocht f3 choirpíneach
correcting plate pláta m4 ceartúcháin
correction s ceartú m (gs -taithe)
Corvus s (= the Crow) (Const.) Corvus m4
cosmic dust deannach m1 cosmach
cosmic radiation radaíocht f3 chosmach
cosmic radio-noise radathorann m1 cosmach
cosmic rays gathanna mpl cosmacha
cosmic-ray detector brathadóir m3 gathanna cosmacha
cosmic year bliain f3 chosmach
cosmogony s cosmagnaíocht f3
cosmography s cosmagrafaíocht f3
cosmology s cosmeolaíocht f3
cosmonaut s (= astronaut) spásaire m4
cosmos s cosmas m1
coudé system córas m1 uilleach
counterglow s (= gegenschein) frithloinnir f (gs -nnreach)
counterweight s frithmheáchan m1
Crab, the s (= Cancer) (Const.) an Portán m1
Crab nebula réaltnéal m1 an Phortáin
Crab pulsar pulsár m1 an Phortáin
cradle s (of telescope) cliabhán m1
Crane, the s (= Grus) (Const.) an Chorr f2
crash-land v tuirling de thuairt
crash-landing s tuirlingt f de thuairt
crater s cráitéar m1
Crater s (= the Cup) (Const.) Crater m4
craterlet s (= craterpit) cráitéirín m4
craterpit s (= craterlet) cráitéirín m4
crêpe ring (= dusky ring) créipfháinne m4
crescent moon corrán m1 gealaí
criss-cross grid greille f4 chliathach
critical a criticiúil
crochet s cróise f4
Cross, the s (= Crux Australis, the Southern Cross) (Const.) an Chros f2
cross-section s trasghearradh m (gs -rrtha)
Crow, the s (= Corvus) (Const.) an Préachán m1
crown glass gloine f4 chorónach
Crux Australis (= the Cross, the Southern Cross) (Const.) Crux Australis
culminate v to culminate buaic f2 a shroicheadh
culmination s buaic f2
Cup, the s (= Crater) (Const.) an Cupán m1
curvature s cuaire f4
curved mirror scáthán m1 cuar
curve of growth cuar m1 an fháis
cyanogen absorptions (= cyanogen bands) ionsúcháin mpl chianaigine
cyanogen bands (= cyanogen absorptions) bandaí mpl cianaigine
Cygnids spl (Met.Sh.) Cignidí fpl
Cygnus s (= the Northern Cross, the Swan) (Const.) Cygnus m4
Cygnus loop lúb f2 Cygnus
cylindrical lens
lionsa m4 sorcóireach



dark matter damhna m4 dorcha
dark nebula
réaltnéal m1 dorcha
Dawes limit teorainn f5 Dawes
sm (gs lae)
daylight-saving time am m3 coigilte sholas an lae
daytime s am m3 lae
débris s smionagar m1
deceleration s luasmhoilliú m (gs -ithe)
declination s diallas m1
declination axis ais f2 (an) diallais
declination circle ciorcal m1 (an) diallais
declination compass (= declinometer) compás m1 diallais
s (= declination compass) méadar m1 diallais
defect s fabht m4 (pl-anna)
deferent s ciorcal m1 iompair
deflection s sraonadh m (gs -nta)
degenerate matter damhna m4 díchineálach
degenerate star réalta f4 dhíchineálach
s céim f2 (pl-eanna)
degree of arc céim f2 stua
Deimos s (Sat.) Deimos m4
Delphinus s (= the Dolphin) (Const.) Delphinus m4
Delta Cephei (Star) Delta Cephei
Demon Star, the (= Algol, the Winking Demon) an Deamhanréalta f4
Deneb s (Star) Deneb m4
Denebola s (Star) Denebola m4
density s dlús m1
density waves tonnta fpl dlúis
depression s ísleán m1
descending node nód m1 íslitheach
desert regions of Mars réigiúin mpl fásaigh Mharsa
detector s brathadóir m3
deuterium s deoitéiriam m4
deuteron s deoitéarón m1
dew cap drúchtchaidhp f2
diameter s trastomhas m1
diaphragm s spiara m4
dichotomy s déscaradh m (gs -rtha)
differential s difreálach m1
differential a difreálach
diffraction s díraonadh m (gs -nta), díraonachán m1
diffraction grating gríl f2 díraonta
diffraction pattern patrún m1 díraonacháin
diffraction rays gathanna mpl díraonta
diffraction spectrograph speictreagraf m1 díraonacháin
diffuse nebula réaltnéal m1 idirleata
diffuse reflection frithchaitheamh m1 réscaipthe
diffusion s (of light) réscaipeadh m (gs -pthe)
diffusion s (of particles) idirleathadh m (gs -eata)
dim dwarf abhac m1 lag
Dione s (Sat.) Dione f4
diopter s (= dioptre) dia-optar m1
dioptre s (= diopter) dia-optar m1
Diphda s (Star) Diphda m4
dip of the horizon claonas m1 na léaslíne
dipole aerial (= dipole antenna) aeróg f2 dhépholach
dipole antenna (= dipole aerial) aeróg f2 dhépholach
direct motion dírghluaisne f4
dirty snowball meall m1 sneachta (salach)
dirty snowball model samhail f3 an mhill sneachta
disc s diosca m4
discontinuous spectrum speictream m1 neamhleanúnach
discovery s fionnachtain f3
discrete radio-source radafhoinse f4 scoite
dispersion s spré m4
dispersion measure an tomhas m1 spréite
s fad m1
distance finding aimsiú m faid
distance modulus (= modulus of distance) modal m1 faid
distortion s díchumadh m (gs -mtha)
distribution s dáileadh m (gs -lte)
diurnal a laethúil a
diurnal aberration iomrall m1 laethúil
diurnal circle ciorcal m1 laethúil
diurnal libration guagadh m laethúil
diurnal motion gluaisne f4 laethúil
diurnal parallax saobhdhiallas m1 laethúil
diverge v eisréimnigh
divergence s eisréimneacht f3
divergent a eisréimneach
D-layer s D-chiseal m1
Dog Star s (= Sirius) Réalta f4 an Mhadra
Dolphin, the s (= Delphinus) (Const.) an Deilf f2
dome s cruinneachán m1
Donati's comet cóiméad m1 Donati
Doppler broadening leathnú m Doppler
Doppler effect iarmhairt f3 Doppler
Doppler-Fizeau principle prionsabal m1 Doppler-Fizeau
Doppler shift aistriú m Doppler
Dorado s (= the Swordfish) (Const.) an Colgán m1
30 Doradus (= Loop Nebula, Tarantula Nebula) 30 An Cholgáin
double cluster réaltbhraisle f4 dhúbailte
Double Cluster in Perseus, the (= the Sword-Handle) an Réaltbhraisle f4 Dhúbailte i bPeirséas
double galaxy réaltra m4 dúbailte
double star réalta f4 dhúbailte
Dove, the s (= Columba) (Const.) an Colm m1
Draco s (= the Dragon) (Const.) Draco m4
Draconids spl (Met.Sh.) Dracóinidí fpl
draconitic month (= nodical month)f dhraganach
Dragon, the s (= Draco) (Const.) an Dragan m1
Draper classification rangú m Draper
Dubhe s (Star) Dubhe m4
Dumb-Bell nebula, the réaltnéal m1 an Tromáin Lúith
Dunsink Observatory Réadlann f2 Dhún Since
dust s deannach m1
dust storm stoirm f2 dheannaigh
dust tail eireaball m1 deannaigh
s rian m1 deannaigh
dwarf s (= dwarf star) abhac m1
dwarf Cepheid abhac-Cheifid f2
dwarf galaxy abhacréaltra m4
dwarf nova group grúpa m4 abhacnóvaí
dwarf star (= dwarf) abhacréalta f4
dynamical parallax saobhdhiallas m1 dinimiciúil



Eagle, the s (= Aquila) (Const.) an tIolar m1
early a luath, luath-
Earth, the s (Pl.) an Domhan m1
earth resources satellite satailít f2 acmhainní domhanda
Earth's axis ais f2 an Domhain
earthshine s (= ashen light) domhanloinnir f (gs -nnreach)
Easter s an Cháisc f3
east point pointe m4 an oirthir
ebb tide taoide f4 aife, taoide f4 thrá
eccentric anomaly aimhrialtacht f3 éalárnach
eccentric circle ciorcal m1 éalárnach
eccentricity s éalárnacht f3
echo s macalla m4
eclipse s éiclips m4, urú m4
eclipsing binary (= eclipsing variable, photometric binary) déréalta f4 uraitheach
eclipsing variable (= eclipsing binary, photometric binary) réalta f4 athraitheach uraitheach
ecliptic s éiclipteach m1
ecliptic co-ordinate system (= ecliptic system) córas m1 comhordanáidí an éicliptigh
ecliptic system córas m1 an éicliptigh
E-corona s E-choróin f (gs -ónach)
ecosphere s éicisféar m1
edge-on position treo m4 na ciumhaise
effective temperature teocht f3 éifeachtach
effective wavelength tonnfhad m1 éifeachtach
Einstein effects iarmhairtí fpl Einstein
Einstein's theory of relativity teoiric f2 choibhneasachta Einstein
eject v (of space capsule) eisteilg (vn -ean, pp -the)
ejecta spl eisteilgeáin mpl
Elara s (Sat.) Elara f4
E-layer s (= Kennelly-Heaviside layer) E-chiseal m1
Electra s (Star) Electra f4
electromagnetic radiation radaíocht f3 leictreamaighnéadach
electromagnetic spectrum (= radiation spectrum) speictream m1 leictreamaighnéadach
electron s leictreon m1
electron density dlús m1 (na) leictreon
electronic telescope teileascóp m1 leictreonach
electron-multiplier tube feadán m1 leictreoniolraitheora
electron stream leictreonsruth m3
electron volt leictreonvolta m4
element s (chemistry) dúil f2
elements of orbit eilimintí fpl na fithise
ellipse s éilips m4
ellipsoidal theory teoiric f2 éileapsóideach
elliptical galaxy réaltra m4 éilipseach
elongated a (of orbit) fadaithe
elongation s fadú m (gs -daithe)
emersion s nochtadh m (gs nochta)
emission s astú m (gs -taithe), astúchán m1
emission lines línte fpl astúcháin
emission nebula réaltnéal m1 astúcháin
emission spectrum speictream m1 astúcháin
emitter s astaíre m4
emulsion s eibleacht f3
Enceladus s (Sat.) Enceladus m4
Encke's comet cóiméad m1 Encke
Encke's division bearna f4 Encke
energy production táirgeadh m1 fuinnimh
English mounting gléasadh m Sasanach
epact s éapacht f3
ephemeris s eifimiris f2
epicycle s eipiciogal m1
epicycle theory teoiric f2 an eipiciogail
epoch s aga m4
Epsilon Aurigae (Star) Epsilon Aurigae
Epsilon Lyrae (Star) Epsilon Lyrae
equal altitudes airdí fpl comhionanna
equal components comhbhaill mpl chothroma
equal double (star) réalta f4 dhúbailte chothrom
equation of light cothromóid f2 an tsolais
equation of the centre cothromóid f2 an lárphointe
equation of time cothromóid f2 ama
equator s meánchiorcal m1
equatorial co-ordinate system (= equator{ial} system) córas m1 comhordanáidí an mheánchiorcail
equatorial diameter trastomhas m1 an mheánchiorcail
equatorial horizontal parallax saobhdhiallas m1 cothrománach meánchriosach
equatorial mounting gléasadh m meánchriosach
equator system córas m1 an mheánchiorcail
equinoctial colure colúr m1 cónochta
equinox s cónocht m3 (gpl cónocht)
equivalent width leithead m1 coibhéiseach
Equuleus s (= the Little Horse) (Const.) Equuleus m4
era sf4
Eridanus s (= the River) (Const.) Eridanus m4
Eros s (Ast.) Eros m4
error s earráid f2
erupting star (= exploding star) réalta f4 bhrúchtach
eruption s brúchtadh m (gs -chta)
eruptive prominence starraiceacht f3 bhrúchtach
escape velocity (= velocity of escape) treoluas m1 éalaithe
eucrite s eoicrít f2
Europa s (Sat.) Europa f4
evection s eisiompar m1
evening s tráthnóna m4
Evening Star (= Hesperus) Réalta f4 an Tráthnóna
event horizon léaslíne f4 theagmhais
evolution s éabhlóid f2
evolutionary track líne f4 éabhlóide
evolutionary theory teoiric f2 na héabhlóide
excess s barraíocht f3
exobiology s (= astrobiology) eisibhitheolaíocht f3
exosphere s eisisféar m1
expanding gaseous envelopes imchlúdaigh mpl ghásacha fhairsingíocha
expanding universe cruinne f4 fhairsingíoch
expansion of the universe fairsingiú m na cruinne
expansion velocity treoluas m1 fairsingithe
exploding star (= erupting star) réalta f4 phléascach
Explorer I (Sat.) Taiscéalaí m4 I
explosion s pléascadh m (gs -ctha)
explosion centre lár m1 an phléasctha
exposure s (of photographic film, etc.) nochtadh m (gs -ta)
external galaxies réaltraí mpl amuigh
external systems córais mpl amuigh
extinction s díobhadh m (gs -ofa)
extragalactic nebula (= galaxy) réaltnéal m1 eachtar-réaltrach
extraterrestrial a eachtardhomhanda
eyepiece s (= ocular) súilphíosa m4



Fabry lens lionsa m4 Fabry
face-on position treo m4 na haghaidhe
faculae spl facalaigh mpl
fade-outs spl céimnithe mpl as
falling star (= meteor, shooting star) réalta f4 reatha
families of comets clanna fpl cóiméad
F-corona s F-choróin f (gs -ónach)
Fechner's law dlí m4 Fechner
field curvature cuaire f4 réimse
field of galaxies
réimse m4 réaltraí
field of view réimse m4 radhairc
Filamentary nebula, the réaltnéal m1 an Fhiliméid
filaments spl filiméid mpl
filar micrometer micriméadar m1 snáithíneach
filter s scagaire m4
finder s aimsitheoir m3
finder scope scóp m1 aimsithe
fine dust deannach m1 mín
fireball s (= bolide) caor f2 thine
First Point of Aries (= vernal equinox) Túsphointe m4 Aries
First Point of Libra (= autumn equinox) Túsphointe m4 Libra
first quarter (of lunar phase) i mbéal ceathrún
Fishes, the spl (= Pisces) (Const.) na hÉisc mpl
fission theory teoiric f2 an eamhnaithe
fixed star réalta f4 sheasta
flare s (= solar flare, solar eruption) bladhm f3
flare emission astú m bladhma
flare star bladhmréalta f4
flash spectrum splancspeictream m1
F-layers spl F-chisil mpl
flint glass gloine f4 bhreochloiche
flocculus s flocas m1
flood tide taoide f4 thuile
fluorescence s fluaraiseacht f3
Fly, the s (= Musca) (Const.) an Chuileog f2
Flying Fish, the (= Piscis Volans, Volans) (Const.) an tIasc m1 Eitilte
f-number s f-uimhir f (gs -mhreach)
focal distance (= focal length) fad m1 fócasach
focal length (= focal distance) fad m1 fócasach
focal plane plána m4 fócasach
focal point (= focus) pointe m4 fócasach
focal surface dromchla m4 fócasach
focus s (= focal point) fócas m1
focus ring (on binoculars) roth m3 fócais
Fomalhaut s (Star) Fomalhaut m4
forbidden lines línte fpl toirmiscthe
Forbush effect iarmhairt f3 Forbush
s fórsa m4
fork mounting gabhalghléasadh m (gs -sta)
formation s foirmiú m (gs -ithe)
Fornax s (= the Furnace) (Const.) Fornax f4
Foucault knife-edge test (= Foucault mirror test) triail f scátháin Foucault
Foucault mirror test (= Foucault knife-edge test) triail f scátháin Foucault
Foucault pendulum luascadán m1 Foucault
Fox, the s (= Vulpecula) (Const.) an Sionnach m1
Franklin-Adams chart cairt f2 Franklin-Adams
Fraunhofer lines línte fpl Fraunhofer
free fall saorthitim f2
French Republican calendar féilire m4 Phoblacht na Fraince
frequency s minicíocht f3
fringe region réigiún m1 imeallach
F stars spl F-réaltaí fpl
full moon gealach f2 lán
fundamental catalogue catalóg f2 bhunúsach
fundamental stars réaltaí fpl bunúsacha
fundamental theorem of stellar statistics bunteoirim f2 staitisticí réaltacha
Furnace, the s (= Fornax) (Const.) an Fhoirnéis f2
fusion reaction imoibriú m comhleá



galactic centre lár m1 an Réaltra
galactic cluster (= galactic star cluster) réaltbhraisle f4 réaltrach
galactic co-ordinates comhordanáidí fpl réaltracha
galactic disc diosca m4 réaltrach
galactic equator meánchiorcal m1 réaltrach
galactic halo luan m1 an Réaltra
galactic latitude leithead m1 réaltrach
galactic longitude fad m1 réaltrach
galactic motion gluaisne f4 réaltrach
galactic nebula réaltnéal m1 réaltrach
galactic plane plána m4 an Réaltra
galactic poles poil mpl an Réaltra
galactic radio-noise radathorann m1 réaltrach
galactic rotation rothlú m réaltrach
galactic star cluster (= galactic cluster) réaltbhraisle f4 réaltrach
galactic system córas m1 réaltrach
Galactic system, the (= the Galaxy, the Milky Way System) an Córas m1 Réaltrach
galactic window fuinneog f2 réaltrach
galaxy s (= extragalactic nebula) réaltra m4
Galaxy, the s (= the Galactic System, the Milky Way system) an Réaltra m4
Galilean moons gealacha fpl Galileo
Galilean telescope teileascóp m1 Galileo
gamma-ray s gáma-gha m4 (pl -thanna)
gamma ray burst rois f2 gháma-ghathach
s (Sat.) Ganymede m4
Garnet star, the réalta f4 an Ghairnéid
gas cloud scamall m1 gáis
gaseous nebula
réaltnéal m1 gásach
gaseous tail eireaball m1 gásach
gas wisp cifle m4 gáis
gegenschein s (= counterglow) frithloinnir f (gs -nnreach)
Gem, the s (= Alphekka, Gemma) (Star) an tSeoid f2
Gemini s (= the Twins) (Const.) Gemini m4
Geminids spl (Met.Sh.) Geiminidí fpl
Gemma s (= Alphekka, the Gem) (Star) Gemma m4
general precession luainíocht f3 ghinearálta
general theory of relativity teoiric f2 ghinearálta na coibhneasachta
s giniúint f3
geocentric position suíomh m1 geolárnach
geocentric universe cruinne f4 gheolárnach
geocentric zenith forar m1 geolárnach
geocorona s geochoróin f (gs -ónach)
geodesy s geodasaíocht f3
geographic latitude leithead m1 geografach
geographic longitude fad m1 geografach
geoid s geoid f2
geomagnetic field
réimse m4 geomaighnéadach
geosynchronous orbit
fithis f2 gheoisioncrónach
German mounting gléasadh m Gearmánach
ghost s scáil f2 (pl -eanna)
giant s (= giant star) fathach m1
giant branch brainse m4 fathachréaltaí
giant planets (= Jovian planets) ollphláinéid mpl
giant sequence seicheamh m1 fathachréaltaí
giant star (= giant) fathachréalta f4
gibbous a scothlán
gimbal s giombal m1
Giraffe, the s (= Camelopardalis) (Const.) an Sioráf m1
globular star cluster réaltbhraisle f4 chruinneogach
globules spl cruinníní mpl
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) MAG, Meán-Am Greenwich
gnomon s nóman m1
Goat, the s (= Capricornus, the Sea Goat) (Const.) an Gabhar m1
golden number uimhir f órga
Golden Yardarm (= Jacob's Staff) (instrument) Steafóg f2 San Séam
gradient s grádán m1
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) Mórtheoiric f2 Aontaithe
grain s gráinne m4
granulation s gránú m (gs -naithe)
granule s gráinnín m4
grating s gríl f2
gravitation s imtharraingt f (gs -the)
gravitational collapse imphléascadh m imtharraingteach
s domhantarraingt f (gs -the)
great circle mórchiorcal m1
Great Bear, the (= Ursa Major) (Const.) an Béar m1 Mór
Great Cluster in Hercules, the an Ollbhraisle f4 in Earcail
great comet cóiméad m1 mór
Great Dog, the (= Canis Major) (Const.) an Madra m4 Mór
Great Nebula in Orion, the (= Orion Nebula) réaltnéal m1 Oiríon, Buaile f4 an Bhodaigh
Great Red Spot, the (= the Red Spot) an Deargspota m4 Mór
great spiral bís f2 mhór
Great Square of Pegasus Cearnóg f2 Mhór Pheigeasais
Greek alphabet aibítir f2 na Gréigise
green flash (= green ray) bladhm f3 uaine
greenhouse effect iarmhairt f3 cheaptha teasa
green ray (= green flash) bladhm f3 uaine
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Meán-Am m3 Greenwich, MAG
Greenwich meridian (= meridian of Greenwich) fadlíne f4 Greenwich
Greenwich Observatory Réadlann f2 Greenwich
Gregorian calendar féilire m4 Ghréagóra
Gregorian reflector frithchaiteoir m3 Ghréagóra
ground-based radio astronomy radairéalteolaíocht f3 ón talamh
Grus s (= the Crane) (Const.) Grus f4
G stars spl G-réaltaí fpl
guide star réalta f4 threorach
guide telescope teileascóp m1 treorach
GUT (Grand Unified Theory) Mórtheoiric f2 Aontaithe



H-I and H-II regions (= H-regions) réigiúin mpl H-I agus H-II
Hagen's cosmic clouds scamaill mpl chosmacha Hagen
halation ring fáinne m4 luanaithe
Hale telescope teileascóp m1 Hale
Halley's comet cóiméad m1 Halley
halo s luan m1
H and K lines línte fpl H agus K
Hare, the s (= Lepus) (Const.) an Giorria m4
Harvard classification rangú m Harvard
Harvard Observatory Réadlann f2 Harvard
Hawking effect iarmhairt f3 Hawking
Hayashi track
conair f2 Hayashi
heavenly body (= celestial body)
rinn m3 neimhe
Hebrew calendar féilire m4 na nEabhrach
heliacal rising éirí m4 héileacach
heliocentric latitude leithead m1 héilealárnach
heliocentric longitude
fad m1 héilealárnach
heliocentric position suíomh m1 héilealárnach
heliocentric system córas m1 héilealárnach
heliocentric time am m3 héilealárnach
heliographic latitude leithead m1 héileagrafach
heliographic longitude fad m1 héileagrafach
heliometer s héiliméadar m1
heliostat s (= coelostat, siderostat) héileastat m1
helium s héiliam m4
helium flash splanc f2 héiliam
helium stars
réaltaí fpl héiliam
hemisphere s leathsféar m1
Herbig-Haro objects réada mpl Herbig-Haro
Hercules s (Const.) Earcail m4
Herdsman, the s (= Boötes) (Const.) an tAoire m4
Hermes s (Ast.) Hermes m4
Hertzsprung gap bearna f4 Hertzsprung
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (= H-R diagram, Russell diagram) léaráid f2 Hertzsprung-Russell
Hesperus s (= Evening Star) Hesperus m4
hexagonal mirror scáthán m1 heicseagánach
hierarchical universe cruinne f4 chéimiúlachta
high tide lán m1 mara
high-velocity stars réaltaí fpl ardluais
Himalia s (Sat.) Himalia f4
H lines (= hydrogen lines) línte fpl H
Hohmann orbit (= transfer orbit) fithis f2 Hohmann
Holmes' comet cóiméad m1 Holmes
Hooker telescope teileascóp m1 Hooker
horizon s léaslíne f4
horizon system córas m1 na léaslíne
horizontal parallax saobhdhiallas m1 cothrománach
horizontal plane plána m4 cothrománach
horizontal refraction athraonadh m cothrománach
Horologium s (= the Clock) (Const.) Horologium m4
horoscope s tuismeá f4
Horrebow-Talcott method modh m3 Horrebow-Talcott
Horse's Head nebula, the réaltnéal m1 an Chinn Chapaill
hot star réalta f4 the
hour s uair f2 (pl -eanta)
hour angle uair-uillinn f2
hour circle uairchiorcal m1
H-R diagram (= Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Russell diagram) léaráid f2 H-R
H-regions spl (= H-I and H-II regions) H-réigiúin mpl
Hubble effect iarmhairt f3 Hubble
Hubble's classification rangú m Hubble
Hubble's constant tairiseach m1 Hubble
Hubble space telescope spásteileascóp m1 Hubble
Hunter's Belt (= Belt of Orion, Orion's Belt) Crios m3 Oiríon, an Bhanlámh f2, an Fhearsaid f2, Slat f2 an Bhodaigh, Slat f2 an Cheannaí, Slat f2 an Rí
Hunting Dogs, the (= Canes Venatici) (Const.) na Madraí mpl Fiaigh
Huygenian ocular súil-lionsa m4 Huygens
Hyades s (Clust.) Hyades fpl
Hydra s (= the Watersnake) (Const.) Hydra f4
hydrogen s hidrigin f2
hydrogen ion ian m1 hidrigine
hydrogen lines (= H lines) línte fpl hidrigine
Hydrus s (= the Little Snake) (Const.) Hydrus m4
Hygeia s (Ast.) Hygeia f4
hyperbola s hipearbóil f2
hyperbolic mirror scáthán m1 hipearbóileach
Hyperion s (Sat.) Hyperion m4



Iapetus s (Sat.) Iapetus m4
IAU (International Astronomical Union) ARI, an tAontas m1 Réalteolaíoch Idirnáisiúnta
IAU number uimhir f ARI
Icarus s (Ast.) Icarus m4
igneous rock bruthcharraig f2
Ikeya-Seki comet cóiméad m1 Ikeya-Seki
image s íomhá f4
image converter tiontaire m4 íomhá
image errors earráidí fpl íomhá
immersion s tumadh m (gs -mtha)
impact s tuinseamh m1
implode v inphléasc (pp -tha)
impulse s ríog f2
incandescent a gealbhruthach
inclination s claonadh m (gs -nta)
index s (pointer) snáthaid f2
index arm (= alidade) géag f2 shnáthaide
index error earráid f2 innéacs
index of refraction comhéifeacht f3 athraonta
Indian, the s (= Indus) (Const.) an tIndiach m1
Indus s (= the Indian) (Const.) Indus m4
inertia s táimhe f4
inferior conjunction cónasc m1 íochtair
inferior culmination
buaic f2 íochtair
inferior planet (= inner planet) pláinéad m1 laistigh
inflation s boilsciú m (gs -ithe)
inflationary universe cruinne f4 bhoilscitheach
infrared radiation radaíocht f3 infridhearg
infrared ray ga m4 infridhearg
initial main sequence (= zero-age main sequence) príomhsheicheamh m1 tosaigh
inner planet (= inferior planet) pláinéad m1 laistigh
insolation s grianrú m (gs -raithe)
instability s éagobhsaíocht f3
instrument s ionstraim f2
integrated light solas m1 comhtháite
intensity s déine f4
interacting galaxies réaltraí mpl idirghníomhacha
interacting spiral galaxies réaltraí mpl bíseacha idirghníomhacha
interaction s idirghníomhaíocht f3, idirghníomhú m (gs
interference s trasnaíocht f3
interference filter scagaire m4 trasnaíochta
interferometer s trasnamhéadar m1
intergalactic matter damhna m4 idir-réaltrach
internal a inmheánach
International Astronomical Union, (IAU) an tAontas m1 Réalteolaíoch Idirnáisiúnta, ARI
International Atomic Time (IAT) Am m3 Adamhach Idirnáisiúnta (AAI)
International Date Line an Dátlíne f4 Idirnáisiúnta
interplanetary gas gás m1 idirphláinéadach
interplanetary matter damhna m4 idirphláinéadach
interplanetary travel taisteal m1 idirphláinéadach
interstellar a idir-réaltach
interstellar absorption ionsú m4 idir-réaltach
interstellar gas gás m1 idir-réaltach
interstellar lines línte fpl idir-réaltacha
interstellar magnetic field réimse m4 maighnéadach idir-réaltach
interstellar material ábhar m1 idir-réaltach
interstellar matter damhna m4 idir-réaltach
interstellar medium meán m1 idir-réaltach
interstellar molecules móilíní mpl idir-réaltacha
interstellar polarization polarú m idir-réaltach
intra-Mercurial planet pláinéad m1 laistigh de Mhearcair
intrinsic variable réalta f4 athraitheach intreach
invar s ionbhár m1
inverted a (of image) aisiompaithe
invisible astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 dhofheicthe
invisible spectrum, the an speictream m1 dofheicthe
Io s (Sat.) Io f4
ionization s ianú m (gs -naithe), ianúchán m1
ionization potential poitéinseal m1 ianúcháin
ionosphere s ianaisféar m1
iris-diaphragm photometer fótaiméadar m1 seallspiara
iron s iarann m1
iron meteorite (= siderite) dreigít f2 iarainn
iron-nickel alloy cóimhiotal m1 d'iarann is nicil
irradiation s ionradaíocht f3
irregular galaxy réaltra m4 neamhrialta
irregular nebula reáltnéal m1 neamhrialta
irregular variable réalta f4 athraitheach neamhrialta
irresolvable nebula réaltnéal m1 dothaifithe
isochrone s iseacrón m1
isophote s iseafót m1
isotope s iseatóp m1
isotropic a iseatrópach



Jacob's staff (= Golden Yardarm) (instrument) Steafóg f2 San Séam
Janus s (Sat.) Janus m4
jet s scaird f2
Jewel-Box, the s (Clust.) an Bosca m4 Seod
jiggle-camera s preabcheamara m4
Jovian planets (= giant planets) pláinéid mpl Ióbhacha
Julian calendar féilire m4 Iúil
Julian daym Iúlach
Juno s (Ast.) Iúnó f4
Jupiter s (Pl.) Iúpatar m1
Jupiter's family of comets clann f2 chóiméad Iúpatair



Kant's hypothesis hipitéis f2 Kant
Kappa Crucis (Star) Kappa Crucis
Kapteyn's method modh m3 Kapteyn
Kapteyn's selected areas (= selected areas) limistéir mpl roghnaithe Kapteyn
Kapteyn's star streams réaltsruthanna mpl Kapteyn
K-corona s K-choróin f (gs -ónach)
Keel, the s (= Carina) (Const.) an Chíle f4
Kellner ocular súilphíosa m4 Kellner
Kelvin contraction crapadh m Kelvin
Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction crapadh m Kelvin-Hellmholz
Kelvin scale
scála m4 Kelvin
Kennelly-Heaviside layer (= E-layer) ciseal m1 Kennelly-Heaviside
Kepler's equation cothromóid f2 Kepler
Kepler's laws dlíthe mpl Kepler
Kepler's star réalta f4 Kepler
Kepler's telescope teileascóp m1 Kepler
kiloparsec s cileaparsoic m4
Kimura effect iarmhairt f3 Kimura
kinetic energy fuinneamh m1 cinéiteach
kinetic theory of gases teoiric f2 chinéiteach na ngás
Kirchhoff's law dlí m4 Kirchhoff
Kirkwood gaps bearnaí fpl Kirkwood
Kitt Peak Observatory Réadlann f2 Kitt Peak
Kohoutek's comet cóiméad m1 Kohoutek
K stars spl K-réaltaí fpl
K-term s K-théarma m4



laboratory vacuum folús m1 saotharlainne
Lacerta s (= the Lizard) (Const.) Lacerta f4
lagoon s murlach m1
Lagoon nebula, the réaltnéal m1 an Mhurlaigh
Lagrangian point pointe m4 Lagrange
lapse rate ráta m4 titime
Large Magellanic Cloud, the (= Nubecula Major) (Gal.) Scamall m1 Mór Magellan
laser s léasar m1
last phase of Moon deireadh m1 gealaí
last quarter (of lunar phase) an cheathrú dheireanach
lateral motion gluaisne f4 chliathánach
lateral refraction athraonadh m cliathánach
latitude s (in general) leithead m1
latitude s (= terrestrial latitude) domhanleithead m1
launcher s lainseálaí m4
launching site ionad m1 lainseála
law of equal areas dlí m4 na limistéar comhionann
law of gravitation dlí m4 na himtharraingthe
leap daym bisigh
leap monthf bhisigh
leap year bliain f3 bhisigh
Leda s (Sat.) Leda f4
lens s lionsa m4
lens diameter trastomhas m1 an lionsa
lenticular a lionsach
Leo s (= the Lion) (Const.) Leo m4
Leo Minor (= the Little Lion) (Const.) Leo Minor
Leonids spl (= November Swarm) (Met.Sh.) Leoinidí fpl
Lepus s (= the Hare) (Const.) Lepus m4
Lexell's comet cóiméad m1 Lexell
Libra s (= the Balance, the Scales) (Const.) Libra f4
libration s guagadh m (gs -gtha)
lift-off s éirí m4
light s solas m1
light curve cuar m1 an tsolais
light-gathering power cumhacht f3 solastiomsúcháin
light pressure solasbhrú m4
light-time effect iarmhairt f solais is ama
light year solasbhliain f3
limb s (of sun, etc.) imeall m1
limb-brightening s imeallghealadh m (gs -lta)
limb-darkening s imealldorchú m (gs -chaithe)
limiting magnitude méid f2 theorantach
line of apsides líne f4 na n-aipsisí
line of collimation líne f4 chomhlíniúcháin
line of equinoxes líne f4 na gcónocht
line of nodes líne f4 nód
line of sight líne f4 radhairc
line profile próifíl f2 líne
line spectrum línespeictream m1
Linné s (Crat.) Linné m4
Lion, the s (= Leo) (Const.) an Leon m1
liquid-fuelled rocket roicéad m1 leachtbhreosla
liquid hydrogen hidrigin f2 leachtach
liquid metallic hydrogen hidrigin f2 mhiotalach leachtach
lithosiderite s litisidirít f2
Little Bear, the (= Ursa Minor) (Const.) an Béar m1 Beag
Little Dog, the (= Canis Minor) (Const.) an Madra m4 Beag
Little Horse, the (= Equuleus) (Const.) an Capall m1 Beag
Little Lion, the (= Leo Minor) (Const.) an Leon m1 Beag
Little Snake, the (= Hydrus) (Const.) an Phéist f2 Bheag
Lizard, the s (= Lacerta) (Const.) an Laghairt f2
lobe s lóba m4
local civil time am m3 sibhialta áitiúil
local constant tairiseach m1 áitiúil
Local Group, the an Grúpa m4 Áitiúil
local time am m3 áitiúil
longitude s (in general) fad m1
longitude s (= terrestrial longitude) domhanfhad m1
longitude of the perihelion fad m1 an pheirihéilin
long-period Cepheid Ceifid f2 fhadtréimhseach
long-period variable star (= Mira star) réalta f4 athraitheach fhadtréimhseach
long-wavelength radio waves tonnta fpl raidió de thonnfhaid fhada
long-wave radiation radaíocht f3 fadtoinne
Loop nebula, the (= 30 Doradus, the Tarantula nebula) réaltnéal m1 na Lúibe
loose cluster réaltbhraisle f4 scaoilte
loose spiral galaxy réaltra m4 bíseach scaoilte
Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction crapadh m Lorentz-Fitzgerald
low-power a ísealchumhachta gs as a
low tide lag m1 trá
luminosity s lonrachas m1
luminosity classes cineálacha mpl lonrachais
luminosity criteria critéir mpl lonrachais
luminosity effects iarmhairtí fpl lonrachais
luminosity function feidhm f2 (an) lonrachais
luminous a lonrúil
Luna probes (= Lunik probes) taiscéalaithe mpl Luna
lunar crater (= moon crater) cráitéar m1 gealaí
lunar crust screamh f2 na gealaí
lunar cycle (= Metonic cycle) ciogal m1 na gealaí
lunar distance fad m1 na gealaí (ó)
lunar eclipse éiclips m4 na gealaí, urú m4 na gealaí
lunarite s lúnairít f2
lunar libration guagadh m na gealaí
lunar module modúl m1 gealaí
lunar probes taiscéalaithe mpl na gealaí
lunar rays gathanna mpl na gealaí
lunar surface dromchla m4 na gealaí
lunar year bliain f3 ghealaí
lunation s (= synodic month)f ghealaí
Lunik probes (= Luna probes) taiscéalaithe mpl Lunik
luni-solar precession luainíocht f3 ghealaí is ghréine
luni-solar year bliain f3 ghealaí is ghréine
Lupus s (= the Wolf) (Const.) Lupus m4
Lyman-alpha line líne f4 Lyman-alpha
Lyman series sraith f2 Lyman
Lynx, the s (Const.) an Lincse f4
Lyot filter (= monochromatic filter) scagaire m4 Lyot
Lyra s (= the Lyre) (Const.) Lyra f4
Lyre, the s (= Lyra) (Const.) an Lir f2
Lyrids spl (Met.Sh.) Liridí fpl
Lysithia s (Sat.) Lysithia f4



Mach number machuimhir f (gs -mhreach)
Magellanic Clouds Scamaill mpl Magellan
Magellanic stream sruth m3 Magellan
magnetic field réimse m4 maighnéadach
magnetic storm stoirm f2 mhaighnéadach
magnetic tail eireaball m1 maighnéadach
magnetic variable réalta f4 athraitheach mhaighnéadach
magnetogram s maighnéadagram m1
magnetohydrodynamics spl maighnéadaihidridinimic f2
magnetometer s maighnéadaiméadar m1
magnetopause s maighnéadstad m4
magnetosheath s maighnéadchumhdach m1
s maighnéadaisféar m1
magnification s formhéadú m (gs -daithe)
magnitude s méid f2
magnitude at opposition méid f2 le linn urchomhaireachta
Maia s (Star) Maia f4
main sequence príomhsheicheamh m1
major axis mór-ais f2
major planets mórphláinéid mpl
Maksutov telescope (= meniscus-mirror system, meniscus telescope) teileascóp m1 Maksutov
Mare Crisium (= Sea of Crisis) Mare m4 Crisium
Mare Fecunditatis (= Sea of Fertility) Mare m4 Fecunditatis
Mare Frigoris (= Sea of Cold) Mare m4 Frigoris
Mare Humorum (= Sea of Humours) Mare m4 Humorum
Mare Imbrium (= Sea of Showers) Mare m4 Imbrium
Mare Nectaris (= Sea of Nectar) Mare m4 Nectaris
Mare Nubium (= Sea of Clouds) Mare m4 Nubium
Mare Serenitatis (= Sea of Serenity) Mare m4 Serenitatis
Mare Tranquillitatis (= Sea of Tranquillity) Mare m4 Tranquillitatis
Mare Vaporum (= Sea of Vapours) Mare m4 Vaporum
maria spl mara fpl
Mariner probe taiscéalaí m4 Mariner
Mariner's Compass, the (= Pyxis) (Const.) Compás m1 an Mhairnéalaigh
Markab s (Star) Markab m4
Mars s (Pl.) Mars m3
mascon s mascan m1
maser s méasar m1
mass s mais f2
mass-energy relation coibhneas m1 maise le fuinneamh
massive a (of density) mórmhaise gs as a
massive a (of size) ollmhór
mass loss caillteanas m1 maise
mass-luminosity relation coibhneas m1 maise le lonrachas
maximum sunspot activity uasghníomhaíocht f3 grianspotaí
mean anomaly meán-aimhrialtacht f3
mean density meándlús m1
mean distance meánfhad m1
mean equinox meánchónocht m3
mean noon meán-nóin f3
mean parallax meán-saobhdhiallas m1
mean position meánsuíomh m1
mean solar day meán-ghrianlá m (gs -lae)
mean solar time meán-ghrianam m3
mean sun meánghrian f2
mean synodical period meántréimhse f4 shionadach
measurement s tomhas m1
median magnitude meánlíne f4 méide
Medusa s Medusa f4
megaparsec s meigeaparsoic m4
Megrez s (Star) Megrez m4
meniscus-mirror system (= Maksutov telescope, meniscus telescope) córas m1 meiniscis
meniscus telescope (= Maksutov telescope, meniscus-mirror system)
teileascóp m1 meiniscis
Mensa s (= the Table) (Const.) Mensa f4
Merak s (Star) Merak m4
Mercury s (Pl.) Mearcair m4
Mercury transits trasdulta mpl Mhearcair
meridian s fadlíne f4 (pl -nte)
meridian angle uillinn f2 fhadlíneach
meridian circle ciorcal m1 fadlíne
meridian error earráid f2 fhadlíneach
meridian instruments ionstraimí fpl fadlíne
meridian of Greenwich fadlíne f4 Greenwich
meridian photometer fótaiméadar m1 fadlíne
meridian transit instrument (= transit instrument) ionstraim f2 thrasdulta fadlíne
Merope s (Star) Merope f4
Messier catalogue catalóg f2 Messier
Messier numbers uimhreacha fpl Messier
Me stars réaltaí fpl Me
metagalactic space spás m1 meiti-réaltrach
metagalaxy s meiti-réaltra m4
metallicity s miotalacht f3
metallic-line stars reáltaí fpl miotal-líneacha
metal-poor a ar bheagán miotail
metal-rich a ar mhórán miotail
meteor s (= falling star, shooting star) dreige f4
meteorite s dreigít f2
meteorite crater cráitéar m1 dreigíte
meteoroid s dreigeoideach m1
meteorology s meitéareolaíocht f3
meteor shower dreigechith m3 (pl -cheathanna)
meteor spectra speictrim mpl dreigí
meteor swarm saithe f4 dreigí
methane s meatán m1
method of least squares modh m3 na n-íoschearnóg
Metonic cycle (= lunar cycle) ciogal m1 Mheatóin
micrometeorite s micridhreigít f2
micrometer s micriméadar m1
micron s miocrón m1
microphotometer s micreafótaiméadar m1
Microscope, the s (= Microscopium) (Const.) an Micreascóp m1
Microscopium s (= the Microscope) (Const.) Microscopium m4
microwave background radiation radaíocht f3 chúlra mhicreathonnach
Middle European time (= Central European Time, CET) Am m3 Lár na hEorpa, ALE
midnight s meán m1 oíche
midnight sun grian f2 an mheán oíche
Milky Way, the Bealach m1 na Bó Finne, Claí m4 Mór na Réaltaí, an Láir f Bhán
Milky Way System, the (= the Galactic System, the Galaxy) córas m1 Bhealach na Bó Finne
millimicron s millimiocrón m1
Mills cross cros-aeróg f2 Mills
Mimas s (Sat.) Mimas m4
minima spl íosluachanna mpl
minimum luminosity íoslonrachas m1
minor axis mion-ais f2
minor planet (= asteroid, planetoid) mionphláinéad m1
Mintaka s (Star) Mintaka m4
minute of arc nóiméad m1 stua
Mira Ceti (= the Wonderful) (Star) Mira Ceti
Miranda s (Sat.) Miranda f4
Mira star (= long-period variable star) réalta f4 Mira Ceti
Mirfak s (Star) Mirfak m4
missing mass mais f2 ar iarraidh
Mizar s (Star) Mizar m4
MKK system córas m1 MKK
mock sun (= parhelion, sundog) grian f2 bhréige
modulus of distance (= distance modulus) modal m1 faid
Mohammedan calendar féilire m4 Mahamadach
molecular clouds scamaill mpl mhóilíneacha
molecular hydrogen hidrigin f2 mhóilíneach
monistic theory teoiric f2 mhonasaíoch
Monoceros s (= the Unicorn) (Const.) Monoceros m4
monochromatic magnitude méid f2 mhonacrómatach
monochromatic photographs fótagraif mpl mhonacrómatacha
monochromator s monacrómatóir m3
month sf (gs míosa, pl míonna)
moon s gealach f2, éasca m4, ré f4
Moon, the s (Sat.) an Ghealach f2
moon crater (= lunar crater) cráitéar m1 gealaí
moon dust deannach m1 gealaí
moon rock carraig f2 ghealaí
moon's limb imeall m1 na gealaí
moons of Jupiter gealacha fpl Iúpatair
moonwalk s siúlóid f2 ghealaí
Morning Star (= Phosphorus) Réalta f4 na Maidine
morphology s moirfeolaíocht f3
motion s gluaisne f4
mounting s gléasadh m (gs -sta)
moving star clusters réaltbhraislí fpl gluaisteacha
M-regions M-réigiúin mpl
M stars M-réaltaí fpl
multiple galaxy ilréaltra m4
multiple star ilréalta f4
multistage rocket roicéad m1 ilchéime
mural quadrant ceathramhán m1 múrach
Musca s (= the Fly) (Const.) Musca f4



nadir s nadair f2
naked-eye a (of observation) (infheicthe) leis an tsúil, (infheicthe) ag an tsúil
naked-eye object réad m3 atá infheicthe ag an tsúil
natural broadening leathnú m nádúrtha
nautical astronomy muir-réalteolaíocht f3
n-body problem fadhb f2 n-choirp
neap tide mallmhuir f3
nearest stars, the na réaltaí fpl is gaire
nebula s réaltnéal m1
nebular hypothesis hipitéis f2 réaltnéalach
nebular variable réalta f4 athraitheach réaltnéalach
nebulosity s néalmhaireacht f3, réaltnéalmhaireacht f3
negative hydrogen ion ian m1 diúltach hidrigine
negative ocular súilphíosa m4 diúltach
Neptune s (Pl.) Neiptiún m1
Nereid s (Sat.) Néiriad f2
Net, the s (= Reticulum) (Const.) an Líontán m1
neutral hydrogen hidrigin f2 neodrach
neutrino s neoidríonó m4
neutron s neodrón m1
neutron star neodrónréalta f4
New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (= NGC) Nuachatalóg f2 Ghinearálta Réaltnéalta is Réaltbhraislí (NCG)
new moon gealach f2 úr
new style nua-stíl f2
Newtonian focus fócas m1 Newton
Newtonian telescope teileascóp m1 Newton
Newton's law of gravitation dlí m4 imtharraingthe Newton
Newton's laws dlíthe mpl Newton
NGC (= New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars) NCG (Nuachatalóg Ghinearálta Réaltnéalta is Réaltbhraislí)
nickel s nicil f2
Nicol prism priosma m4 Nicol
night s oíche f4
night sky spéir f2 na hoíche
nitrogen s nítrigin f2
noctilucent cloud scamall m1 oíchelonrach
node s nód m1
nodical month (= draconitic month)f nódach
noon s nóin f3 (pl nónta)
noon correction nóincheartú m (gs -taithe)
Norma s (= the Rule) (Const.) Norma f4
normal spiral galaxy réaltra m4 bíseach normálta
North American nebula réaltnéal m1 Mheiriceá Thuaidh
north celestial pole pol m1 neamhaí thuaidh
Northern Cross, the (= Cygnus, the Swan) (Const.) Cros f2 an Tuaiscirt
Northern Crown, the (= Corona Borealis) (Const.) Coróin f an Tuaiscirt
northern lights (= aurora borealis) na gealáin mpl thuaidh
north galactic pole pol m1 thuaidh an Réaltra
north point pointe m4 an tuaiscirt
north pole (an) pol m1 thuaidh
North Star, the (= Polaris, the Pole Star) an Réalta f4 Thuaidh
nova s nóva m4
November swarm (= Leonids) (Met.Sh.) saithe f4 na Samhna
N stars spl N-réaltaí fpl
Nubecula Major (= the Large Magellanic Cloud) (Gal.) Nubecula Major
Nubecula Minor (= the Small Magellanic Cloud) (Gal.) Nubecula Minor
nuclear fusion reaction imoibriú m comhleá núicléach
nuclear reaction imoibriú m núicléach
nucleosynthesis s núicléisintéis f2
nucleus s (of comet) núicléas m1 (cóiméid)
nutation s nútú m (gs -taithe)
nutation ellipse éilips m4 nútaithe



O-association s O-ghaolmhaireacht f3
Oberon s (Sat.) Oberon m4
object glass (= object lens, objective, objective lens) réadlionsa m4
objective s (= object glass, object lens, objective lens) réadlionsa m4
objective grating gríl f2 réadlionsa
objective lens (= object glass, object lens, objective) réadlionsa m4
objective prism priosma m4 réadlionsa
object lens (= object glass, objective, objective lens) réadlionsa m4
oblateness s oblátacht f3
oblique ascension claonairde f4
obliquity s (= obliquity of the ecliptic) sceabhacht f3
observation s breathnú m (gs -naithe)
observational astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 bhreathnaitheach
observational work obair f2 bhreathnaitheach
observatory s réadlann f2
observer s breathnóir m3
occult v ceil (vn -t)
occultation s ceilt f2
Ocean of Storms (= Oceanus Procellarum) Aigéan m1 na Stoirmeacha
Oceanus Procellarum (= Ocean of Storms) Oceanus m4 Procellarum
O-cluster s O-réaltbhraisle f4
Octans s (= the Octant) (Const.) Octans m4
octant s ochtamhán m1
Octant, the s (= Octans) (Const.) an tOchtamhán m1
ocular s (= eyepiece) súil-lionsa m4
ocular spectroscope speictreascóp m1 súilí
Olbers' paradox paradacsa m4 Olbers
old style seanstíl f2
Omega Centauri (Star) Omega Centauri
Oort cloud scamall m1 Oort
Oort's constants
tairisigh mpl Oort
Oort's formulae foirmlí fpl Oort
opacity s teimhneacht f3
opaque a teimhneach
open star cluster réaltbhraisle f4 oscailte
open universe cruinne f4 oscailte
s (= the Serpent-bearer, Serpentarius) (Const.) Ophiuchus m4
Ophiuchus nebula réaltnéal m1 Ophiuchus
opposition s urchomhaireacht f3
opposition of Mars urchomhaireacht f3 Mharsa
optical axis ais f2 optúil
optical components (of telescope) comhpháirteanna fpl optúla
optical density dlús m1 optúil
optical depth doimhneacht f3 optúil
optical double star réalta f4 dhúbailte optúil
optical temperature teocht f3 optúil
optical window fuinneog f2 optúil
optic axis ais f2 optach
optics spl optaic f2
orbit s fithis f2
orbit v fithisigh
orbital elements (= elements of orbit) eilimintí fpl na fithise
orbital inclination claonadh m fithise
orbital velocity treoluas m1 fithiseach
orbit determination cinneadh m1 fithise
orbiter s fithiseoir m3
ordinate s ordanáid f2
origin s bunphointe m4
origin of the universe bunús m1 na cruinne
Orion s (Const.) Oiríon m4, an Bodach m1
Orion arm géag f2 Oiríon
Orion association gaolmhaireacht f3 Oiríon
Orionids spl (Met.Sh.) Oirínidí fpl
Orion nebula (= the Great Nebula in Orion) réaltnéal m1 Oiríon, Buaile f4 an Bhodaigh
Orion's Belt (= Belt of Orion, the Hunter's Belt) Crios m3 Oiríon, an Bhanlámh f2, an Fhearsaid f2, Slat f2 an Bhodaigh, Slat f2 an Cheannaí, Slat f2 an Rí
Orion's Sword (= Sword of Orion) (Neb.) Claíomh m1 Oiríon
orthochromatic plate pláta m4 ortacrómatach
oscillating universe cruinne f4 ascalach
oscillation s ascalú m (gs -laithe)
osculating element eilimint f2 shárthadhlach
osculating orbit fithis f2 shárthadhlach
osculation s sárthadhall m1
osculation epoch aga m4 sárthadhaill
O stars O-réaltaí fpl
outburst s (= burst) rois f2 (pl -eanna)
outer planet (= superior planet) pláinéad m1 lasmuigh
Owl nebula, the réaltnéal m1 an Ulchabháin
oxygen s ocsaigin f2
ozone s ózón m1
ozone layer (= ozonosphere) crios m3 ózóin
ozonosphere s (= ozone layer) ózónaisféar m1



Painter, the s (= Pictor) (Const.) an Péintéir m3
Pallas s (Ast.) Pallas f4
Palomar Sky Atlas Atlas m1 Spéire Palomar
pan and tilt (of movement of telescope, etc.) cas is claon
panspermia hypothesis hipitéis f2 an phanspeirmeachais
parabola s parabóil f2
parabolic concave mirror scáthán m1 cuasach parabóileach
parabolic mirror scáthán m1 parabóileach
parabolic reflector frithchaiteoir m3 parabóileach
parabolic velocity treoluas m1 parabóileach
parallactic angle uillinn f2 shaobhdhiallasach
parallactic inequality neamhionannas m1 saobhdhiallasach
parallactic motion gluaisne f4 shaobhdhiallasach
parallax s saobhdhiallas m1
parallax-second s (= parsec) saobhdhiallas m1 soicind
parallel of altitude (= almucantar) líne f4 chomhthreomhar airde
parallel of declination líne f4 chomhthreomhar diallais
parhelion s (= mock sun, sundog) pairhéilean m1
parsec s (= parallax-second) parsoic m4
partial eclipse páirtéiclips m4, páirturú m4
particle s cáithnín m4
particle horizon léaslíne f4 cháithníní
s (Sat.) Pasiphaë f4
passband s trébhanda m4
path of totality conair f2 an lándorchadais
Pavo s (= the Peacock) (Const.) Pavo m4
P Cygni stars réaltaí fpl P Cygni
Peacock, the s (= Pavo) (Const.) an Phéacóg f2
peculiar galaxy réaltra m4 corr
peculiar motion
gluaisne f4 dhílis
peculiar star réalta f4 chorr
peculiar variable réalta f4 athraitheach chorr
Pegasus s (Const.) Peigeasas m1
pendulum clock clog m1 luascadánach
penumbra s leathscáil f2
periastron s pearastrón m1
perigee s peirigí m4
perihelion s peirihéilean m1
perihelion distance fad m1 peirihéileach
perihelion passage sroicheadh m peirihéilin
period s tréimhse f4
periodic time (= sidereal period) am m3 tréimhsiúil
period-luminosity relation coibhneas m1 peiriaid le lonrachas
period-spectrum relation coibhneas m1 peiriaid le speictream
Perseids spl (Met.Sh.) Peirsidí fpl
Perseus s (Const.) Peirséas m1
Perseus arm géag f2 Pheirséis
personal equation cothromóid f2 phearsanta
perturbation s corraíl f3
phase s (of Moon, planet) céim f2 (pl -eanna)
phase angle pasuillinn f2
Phekda s (Star) Phekda m4
Phobos s (Sat.) Phobos m4
Phoebe s (Sat.) Phoebe f4
Phoenix, the s (Const.) an Féinics m4
Phosphorus s (= Morning Star) Phosphorus m4
photoelectric cell cill f2 fhótaileictreach
photoelectric photometry fótaiméadracht f3 fhótaileictreach
photographic magnitude méid f2 fhótagrafach
photographic photometry fótaiméadracht f3 fhótagrafach
photographic star-atlas réaltatlas m1 fótagrafach
photography s fótagrafaíocht f3
photometer s fótaiméadar m1
photometric binary (= eclipsing binary, eclipsing variable) déréalta f4 fhótaiméadrach
photometry s fótaiméadracht f3
photon s fótón m1
photon counter áiritheoir m3 fótón
photosphere s fótaisféar m1
photovisual magnitude méid f2 fhótamhairc
physical double star (= binary star) réalta f4 dhúbailte fhisiceach
physical libration guagadh m fisiceach
Pictor s (= the Painter) (Const.) Pictor m4
pincushion distortion díchumadh m pioncásach
Pisces spl (= the Fishes) (Const.) Pisces mpl
Piscis Austrinus (= the Southern Fish) (Const.) Piscis Austrinus
Piscis Volans (= the Flying Fish, Volans) (Const.) Piscis Volans
pit s clais f2 (pl -eanna)
pitted a claisithe
plage s scead f2
Planck's law dlí m4 Planck
plane mirror scáthán m1 plánach
planet s pláinéad m1
planet s (= body, star) (in general) rinn m3
planetarium s pláinéadlann f2
planetary aberration iomrall m1 pláinéadach
planetary nebula réaltnéal m1 pláinéadach
planetary system córas m1 pláinéadach
planetesimal hypothesis hipitéis f2 mhionphláinéadach
planetoid s (= asteroid, minor planet) pláinéadóideach m1
plane of orbit plána m4 (na) fithise
plane of rotation plána m4 rothlaithe
planisphere s plánaisféar m1
plano-concave lens lionsa m4 plánachuasach
plano-convex lens lionsa m4 plánadhronnach
plasma s plasma m4
plasma cloud scamall m1 plasma
plasma oscillation ascalú m plasma
plasmasphere s plasmaisféar m1
Platonic year bliain f3 Phlatónach
Pleiades spl (= the Seven Sisters) (Clust.) an Phléadach f2, an tÉillín m4, an Streoillín m4, an Tréidín m4
Pleione s (Star) Pleione f4
Plough, the s (= the Big Dipper) an Camchéachta m4, an Céachta m4, an tSeisreach f2
plumbline s líne f4 ingir
Pluto s (Pl.) Plútón m1
Pogson's ratio cóimheas m3 Pogson
Pointers, the na Réaltaí fpl Treoracha
point source (= radio source, radio star) poncfhoinse f4
point source model samhaltán m1 na poncfhoinse
polar axis ais f2 pholach
polar caps caidhpeanna fpl polacha
polar circle ciorcal m1 polach
polar daym polach
polar diameter trastomhas m1 polach
polar distance fad m1 polach
Polaris s (= the Pole Star, the North Star) Polaris m4
polarization s polarú m (gs -raithe), polarúchán m1
polarization curve cuar m1 polarúcháin
polarization instrument ionstraim f2 pholarúcháin
polarization of light polarú m an tsolais
polar night oíche f4 pholach
polar sequence seicheamh m1 polach
pole s pol m1
Pole Star, the (= Polaris, the North Star) an Réalta f4 Thuaidh
Pollux s (Star) Pollux m4
Pons-Winnecke comet cóiméad m1 Pons-Winnecke
Poop, the s (= Puppis, the Stern) (Const.) Deireadh m1 na Loinge
population s (= population type, stellar population) réaltchineál m1 (pl -acha)
Population I, II Réaltchineál I, II
population type (= population, stellar population) réaltchineál m1 (pl -acha)
pore s piochán m1
Porrima s (Star) Porrima f4
position s suíomh m1
positional astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 shuíomhach
position angle uillinn f2 suímh
position micrometer micriméadar m1 suímh
positive ocular súil-lionsa m4 deimhneach
positron s posatrón m1
postnova stage céim f2 iarnóva
potassium-argon method modh m3 potaisiam/argóin
potassium-calcium method modh m3 potaisiam/ cailciam
Poynting-Robertson effect iarmhairt f3 Poynting-Robertson
practical astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 phraiticiúil
Praesepe s (= the Beehive) (Clust.) Praesepe f4
precession s luainíocht f3
precession of the equinoxes luainíocht f3 na gcónocht
prenova stage céim f2 réamhnóva
pressure broadening brúleathnú m (gs -naithe)
prime focus fócas m1 príomha
prime meridian bun-fhadlíne f4
prime movement bunghluaisne f4
primordial a príomhordúil
primeval atom adamh m1 cianaosta
primeval nebula réaltnéal m1 cianaosta
prime vertical bun-ingear m1
prism s priosma m4
prismatic astrolabe astraláib f2 phriosmach
prism circle ciorcal m1 priosma
prism ocular súil-lionsa m4 priosma
probe s taiscéalaí m4
Procyon s (Star) Procyon m4
project v teilg (vn -ean, pp-the)
prominence s (= solar prominence) starraiceacht f3
proper motion dualghluaisne f4
proper motion parallax saobhdhiallas m1 dualghluaisne
proton s prótón m1
proton-proton reaction imoibriú m prótóin le prótón
protoplanet s prótapláinéad m1
protostar s prótairéalta f4
prototype s fréamhshamhail f3 (pl -mhlacha)
Proxima Centauri (Star) Proxima Centauri
Ptolemaic system córas m1 Tholamaeis
Ptolemy's rules (= triquetrum) rialacha fpl Tholamaeis
pulsar s pulsár m1
pulsating star réalta f4 bhíogach
pulse s bíog f2
pulse v bíog
Puppis s (= the Poop, the Stern) (Const.) Puppis f4
Purkinje effect iarmhairt f3 Purkinje
pyrheliometer s pirihéiliméadar m1
Pyxis s (= the Mariner's Compass) (Const.) Pyxis f4



Quadrans s (= the Quadrant) (Const.) Quadrans m4
quadrant s (Mth.) ceathrú f5 ciorcail
quadrant s (of instrument) ceathramhán m1
Quadrant, the (= Quadrans) (Const.) an Ceathramhán m1
Quadrantids spl (Met.Sh.) Cuadraintidí fpl
quadrature s cearnaíocht f3 in quadrature i gcearnaíocht
quadruple star réalta f4 cheathrúil
quantum s candam m1
quartz clock(= quartz-crystal clock) clog m1 grianchloiche
quartz-crystal clock (= quartz clock) clog m1 criostail ghrianchloiche
quasar s (= quasistellar object, quasistellar radio source) cuasár m1
quasi-Cepheids spl cuasai-Cheifidí fpl
quasistellar galaxy réaltra m4 cuasairéaltach
quasistellar object (= quasar, quasistellar radio-source) réad m1 cuasairéaltach
quasistellar radio-source (= quasar, quasistellar object) radafhoinse f4 chuasairéaltach
quiet sun grian f2 shuaimhneach



radar s radar m1
radar astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 radair
radial component comhbhall m1 gathach
radial motion gluaisne f4 ghathach
radial velocity treoluas m1 gathach
radial velocity curve cuar m1 treoluais ghathaigh
radian s raidian m1
radiant s radaí m4
radiation belt (= Van Allen belt, Van Allen zone) crios m3 radaíochta
radiation laws dlíthe mpl radaíochta
radiation pressure brú m4 radaíochta
radiation sources foinsí fpl radaíochta
radiation spectrum (= electromagnetic spectrum) speictream m1 radaíochta
radiative equilibrium cothromaíocht f3 radantach
radioactivity s radaighníomhaíocht f3
radio astronomy radairéalteolaíocht f3
radio emissions rad-astúcháin mpl
radio emitter rad-astaíre m4
radio-frequency radiation (= RF radiation) radaíocht f3 radaimhinicíochta
radio galaxy radairéaltra m4
radio map radailéarscáil f2
radiometric magnitudes méideanna fpl radaiméadracha
radio noise radathorann m1
radio photometry radafótaiméadracht f3
radio pulse bíog f2 raidió
radio source (= point source, radio star) radafhoinse f4
radio star (= point source, radio source) radairéalta f4
radio storm radastoirm f2
radio sun radaighrian f2
radio telescope radaiteileascóp m1
radio wave radathonn f2
radio wavelength tonnfhad m1 raidió
radio window radafhuinneog f2
radius s ga m4 (pl-thanna)
radius vector veicteoir m3 gathach
Ram, the s (= Aries) (Const.) an Reithe m4
Ramsden ocular súil-lionsa m4 Ramsden
rapid binary déréalta f4 mhear
rapid bursts roiseanna fpl meara
Rasalgethi s (Star) Rasalgethi m4
ray s ga m4 (pl -thanna)
Rayleigh diffusion réscaipeadh m Rayleigh
reading microscope micreascóp m1 léitheoireachta
real luminosity fíorlonrachas m1
receiver s glacadóir m3
receiver noise torann m1 glacadóra
recession s cúlú m (gs -laithe)
recessional velocity treoluas m1 cúlaithe
recombination s athchuingriú m (gs -ithe)
recurrent nova nóva m4 ateagmhasach
reddening s deargadh m (gs -gtha)
red dwarf abhac m1 dearg
red giant fathach m1 dearg
red glow dearglach m1
red shift (= redshift) deargaistriú m (gs -rithe)
Red Spot, the (= the Great Red Spot) an Deargspota m4
re-entry s athiontráil f3
reflecting telescope (= reflector telescope) teileascóp m1 frithchaiteach
reflection s frithchaitheamh m1
reflection grating gríl f2 fhrithchaithimh
reflection instrument ionstraim f2 fhrithchaithimh
reflection nebula réaltnéal m1 frithchaithimh
reflector s frithchaiteoir m3
reflector telescope (= reflecting telescope) teileascóp m1 frithchaiteach
refracting angle uillinn f2 athraonta
refracting edge ciumhais f2 athraonta
refracting telescope (= refractor telescope) teileascóp m1 athraonta
refraction s athraonadh m (gs -nta)
refractor s athraonadóir m3
refractor telescope (= refracting telescope) teileascóp m1 athraonta
regolith s forscreamh f2
regular galaxies réaltraí mpl rialta
Regulus s (Star) Regulus m4
relative abundance líonmhaireacht f3 choibhneasta
relative speed luas m1 coibhneasta
relativistic red shift deargaistriú m coibhneasaíoch
relativity s coibhneasacht f3
remnant s iarsma m4
resolution s taifeach m1
resolvable nebula réaltnéal m1 intaifithe
resolve v taifigh (vn -feach)
resolving power cumas m1 taifigh
resonance s athshondas m1
reticle s mioneangach f2
Reticulum s (= the Net) (Const.) Reticulum m4
retrogradation s casiompú m (gs -paithe)
retrograde a casiompaithe gs as a
retrograde v casiompaigh
retrograde motion gluaisne f4 chasiompaithe
return s filleadh m1 (pl -llteacha)
reversing layer ciseal m1 cúlaithe
revolution s imrothlú m (gs -laithe)
revolution period tréimhse f4 imrothlaithe
RF radiation (= radio-frequency radiation) radaíocht f3 RM
Rhea s (Sat.) Rhea f4
Rigel s (Star) Rigel m4
right ascension dronairde f4
rill s (= cleft, rille) gág f2 ghealaí
rille s (= cleft, rill) gág f2 ghealaí
rim s imeall m1
ring s fáinne m4
ringlet s fáinneog f2
ring mountains sléibhte mpl fáinneacha
ring nebula réaltnéal m1 fáinneach
ring plain (= walled plain) machaire m4 fáinneach
rising s éirí m4
River, the s (= Eridanus) (Const.) an Abhainn f (gs -ann)
Roche limit teorainn f Roche
Roche lobes lóbaí mpl Roche
Roche's model samhail f3 Roche
rocket principles prionsabail mpl an roicéid
rocket research taighde m4 roicéad
rockoon s rocún m1
rocky core croí m4 carraigeach
Rosette nebula réaltnéal m1 an Róiséid
rotation s rothlú m (gs -laithe), rothlúchán m1
rotational period tréimhse f4 rothlaithe
rotational velocity treoluas m1 rothlaithe
rotation curve cuar m1 rothlúcháin
rotation parallax saobhdhiallas m1 rothlúcháin
r-process s r-phróiseas m1
RR Lyrae stars réaltaí fpl RR Lyrae
R series R-shraith f2
rubidium-strontium method modh m3 rúibidiam/strointiam
Rule, the s (= Norma) (Const.) an Riail f (gs -alach)
runaway star réalta f4 éalaitheach
Russell diagram (= Hertzsprung-Russell diagram)
léaráid f2 Russell
RV Tauri stars réaltaí fpl RV Tauri



Sagitta s (= the Arrow) (Const.) Sagitta f4
Sagittarius s (= the Archer) (Const.) Sagittarius m4
Saha equation cothromóid f2 Saha
Sails, the spl (= Vela) (Const.) na Seolta mpl
Salpeter process (= triple-alpha process) próiseas m1 Salpeter
saros s sáras m1
satellite s satailít f2
satellite astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 satailíte
satellite galaxy réaltra m4 satailíteach
Saturn s (Pl.) Satarn m1
Saturn's rings fáinní mpl Shatairn
Scales, the spl (= Libra, the Balance) (Const.) an Mheá f4
scanner s scanóir m3
scanning s scanadh m (gs -nta)
scattering of light scaipeadh m solais
Scheat s (Star) Scheat m4
Schedar s (Star) Schedar m4
Schmidt telescope teileascóp m1 Schmidt
Schönberg's limit teorainn f Schönberg
Schraffiercassette method modh m3 Schraffiercassette
scintillation s (= twinkling) drithliú m (gs -ithe)
scope s (instrument) scóp m1
Scorpion, the s (= Scorpius) (Const.) an Scairp f2
Scorpius s (= the Scorpion) (Const.) Scorpius m4
Sculptor, the s (Const.) an Dealbhóir m3
Scutum s (= the Shield, Sobieski's Shield) (Const.) Scutum m4
Sea Goat, the (= Capricornus, the Goat) (Const.) an Gabhar m1
Sea of Clouds (= Mare Nubium) Muir f3 na Scamall
Sea of Cold (= Mare Frigoris) Muir f3 an Fhuachta
Sea of Crisis (= Mare Crisium) Muir f3 na nGábh
Sea of Fertility (= Mare Fecunditatis) Muir f3 na Torthúlachta
Sea of Humours (= Mare Humorum) Muir f3 na Lionnta
Sea of Nectar (= Mare Nectaris) Muir f3 an Neachtair
Sea of Serenity (= Mare Serenitatis) Muir f3 an tSuaimhnis
Sea of Showers (= Mare Imbrium) Muir f3 na Báistí
Sea of Tranquillity (= Mare Tranquillitatis) Muir f3 na Sáimhe
Sea of Vapours (= Mare Vaporum) Muir f3 na Gaile
season s séasúr m1
seasonal hours (= temporal hours) uaireanta fpl séasúrtha
secondary mirror scáthán m1 tánaisteach
secondary spectrum speictream m1 tánaisteach
secular a ciantréimhseach
secular aberration iomrall m1 ciantréimhseach
secular acceleration luasghéarú m ciantréimhseach
secular parallax saobhdhiallas m1 ciantréimhseach
secular perturbation corraíl f3 chiantréimhseach
secular variation comhathrú m ciantréimhseach
sedimentary rock carraig f2 dhríodair
seeing s léargas m1
seismometer s seismiméadar m1
selected areas (= Kapteyn's selected areas) limistéir mpl roghnaithe
selective absorption ionsú m4 roghnaíoch
selenium photometer fótaiméadar m1 seiléiniam
selenography s seiléineagrafaíocht f3
self-luminosity s féinlonrachas m1
self-luminous a féinlonrach
semimajor axis ais f2 leathmhór
semiminor axis ais f2 leathbheag
semiregular a leathrialta
semiregular variables réaltaí fpl athraitheacha leathrialta
a íogair
sensitivity s íogaireacht f3
separation s deighilt f2
Serpens s (= the Serpent) (Const.) Serpens m4
Serpens Caput (= the Serpent's Head) Serpens Caput
Serpens Cauda (= the Serpent's Tail) Serpens Cauda
Serpent, the s (= Serpens) (Const.) an Phéist f2
Serpentarius s (= Ophiuchus, the Serpent-bearer) Serpentarius m4
Serpent-bearer, the s (= Ophiuchus, Serpentarius) Fear m1 na bPéisteanna
Serpent's Head, the (= Serpens Caput) Ceann m1 na Péiste
Serpent's Tail, the (= Serpens Cauda) Eireaball m1 na Péiste
Seven Sisters, the (= Pleiades) (Clust.) an tÉillín m4, an Phléadach f2, an Streoillín m4, an Tréidín m4
Sextans s (= the Sextant) (Const.) Sextans m4
sextant s seiseamhán m1
Sextant, the s (= Sextans) (Const.) an Seiseamhán m1
Seyfert galaxies réaltraí mpl Seyfert
shadow band scáthbhanda m4
shadow transits trasdulta mpl scáthanna
Shapley's wing sciathán m1 Shapley
shell model sceallsamhail f3 (pl -mhlacha)
shell star sceallréalta f4
Shield, the s (= Scutum, Sobieski's Shield) (Const.) an Sciath f2
shift s aistriú m (gs -ithe)
Ship, the s (= Argo, Argo Navis) (Const.) an Long f2
shock wave tonn f2 turrainge
shooting star (= falling star, meteor) réalta f4 reatha
short-period Cepheid Ceifid f2 ghearrthréimhseach
short-period comet cóiméad m1 gearrthréimhseach
shower meteor cithdhreige f4
shuttle s tointeálaí m4
shuttle v tointeáil
Sickle of Leo, the Corrán m1 an Leoin
sidereal a réaltach
sidereal day réaltlá m (gs -lae)
sidereal month réaltmhí f (gs -íosa)
sidereal period réalt-tréimhse f4
sidereal time réaltam m3
sidereal year réaltbhliain f3
siderite s (= iron meteorite) sidirít f2
siderostat s (= coelostat, heliostat) sidearastat m1
signs of the Zodiac comharthaí mpl an Stoidiaca
silicate s sileacáit f2
singularity s singilteacht f3
Sinope s (Sat.) Sinope f4
Sinus Iridum (= Bay of Rainbows) Sinus Iridum
s (= the Dog Star) (Star) Sirius m4
Sirius B (= Companion of Sirius) (Star) Sirius B
sky-brightness s (= starry light) spéirghealach f2
slit s scoiltín f4
slit spectrograph speictreagraf m1 scoiltíneach
slot s sliotán m1
small circle beagchiorcal m1
Small Magellanic Cloud, the (= Nubecula Minor) (Gal.) Scamall m1 Beag Magellan
Sobieski's Shield (= Scutum, the Shield) (Const.) Sciath f2 Sobieski
sodium s sóidiam m4
soft landing tuirlingt f bhog
solar activity grianghníomhaíocht f3
solar annual motion grianghluaisne f4 bhliantúil
solar battery griancheallra m4
solar constant griantairiseach m1
solar corona grianchoróin f (gs -ónach)
solar day grianlá m (gs -lae)
solar disc diosca m4 na gréine
solar eclipse éiclips m4 na gréine, urú m4 na gréine
solar eruption (= flare, solar flare) brúchtadh m gréine
solar flare (= flare, solar eruption) grianbhladhm f3
solar instrument grianionstraim f2
solar maximum uasghníomhaíocht f3 na gréine
solar nebula réaltnéal m1 na gréine
solar neighbourhood ceantar m1 na gréine
solar parallax saobhdhiallas m1 na gréine
solar prominence (= prominence) starraiceacht f3 (ghréine)
solar radiation radaíocht f3 na gréine
solar rotation grianrothlú m (gs -laithe)
solar spectrum grianspeictream m1
solar system grianchóras m1
solar time grian-am m3
solar wind grianghaoth f2
solar year (= tropical year) bliain f3 na gréine
solstice s grianstad m4
solstitial colure colúr m1 an ghrianstad
Sombrero-Hat galaxy réaltra m4 an tSoimbréaró
sonic boom tormán m1 sonach
Sothic cycle ciogal m1 Sótach
south celestial pole pol m1 neamhaí theas
Southern Cross, the (= the Cross, Crux Australis) (Const.) Cros f2 an Deiscirt
Southern Crown, the (= Corona Australis) (Const.) Coróin f an Deiscirt
Southern Fish, the (= Piscis Austrinus) (Const.) Iasc m1 an Deiscirt
southern lights (= aurora australis) na gealáin mpl theas
Southern Triangle, the (= Triangulum Australe) (Const.) Triantán m1 an Deiscirt
south galactic pole pol m1 theas an Réaltra
south point pointe m4 an deiscirt
south pole pol m1 theas
space s an spás m1
space capsule spáschapsúl m1
space flight spáseitilt f2
space lab(oratory) saotharlann f2 spáis
space medicine míochaine f4 spástaistil
space probe taiscéalaí m4 spáis
space shuttle spástointeálaí m4
space station stáisiún m1 spáis
spacesuit s culaith f2 spáis
space telescope spásteileascóp m1
space travel spástaisteal m1
spacewalk s siúlóid f2 spáis
space warp freangadh m spáis
specific gravity sainmheáchan m1
spectral analysis anailís f2 speictreach
spectral class (= spectral type) aicme f4 speictreach
spectral lines línte fpl speictreacha
spectral-luminosity diagram léaráid f2 speictrim is lonrachais
spectral type (= spectral class) aicme f4 speictreach
spectrograph s (= spectroscope) speictreagraf m1
spectroheliogram s speictrihéileagram m1
spectroheliograph s speictrihéileagraf m1
spectrometer s speictriméadar m1
spectrophotometric gradient grádán m1 speictreafótaiméadrach
spectrophotometry s speictreafótaiméadracht f3
spectroscope s (= spectrograph) speictreascóp m1
spectroscopic binary déréalta f4 speictreascópach
spectroscopic parallax saobhdhiallas m1 speictreascópach
spectrum s speictream m1
speculum s spéacalam m1
spherical aberration iomrall m1 sféarúil
spherical angle uillinn f2 sféarúil
spherical astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 sféarúil
spherical galactic halo luan m1 réaltrach sféarúil
spherical triangle triantán m1 sféarúil
spheroid s sféaróideach m1
Spica s (Star) Spica f4
spicule s spícín m4
spin v cas spins on its axis casann ar a ais
spiral s (= spiral galaxy, spiral nebula) bís f2 (pl -eanna)
spiral arms géaga fpl bíseacha
spiral galaxy (= spiral, spiral nebula) réaltra m4 bíseach
spiral nebula (= spiral, spiral galaxy) réaltnéal m1 bíseach
spirit level leachtleibhéal m1
sporadic meteors dreigí fpl treallacha
spring s earrach m1
spring tide rabharta m4
s-process s-phróiseas m1
spurious disc diosca m4 bréagach
Sputnik s (Sat.) Sputnik m4
SS Cygni stars réaltaí fpl SS Cygni
S series S-sraith f2
S stars S-réaltaí fpl
stage s céim f2 (pl -eanna)
standard meridian fadlíne f4 chaighdeánach
standard sequence seicheamh m1 caighdeánach
standard time am m3 caighdeánach
star s réalta f4
star s (= body, planet) (in general) rinn m3
star association (= stellar association) réaltghaolmhaireacht f3
star atlas réaltatlas m1
star catalogue réaltchatalóg f2
star cloud réaltscamall m1
star cluster (= stellar cluster) réaltbhraisle f4
star colour réaltdath m3
star count réalt-áireamh m1
star density réaltdlús m1
star-distance s réaltfhad m1
star drift réaltsíobadh m (gs -btha)
star field réaltréimse m4
star gauge réalt-tomhas m1
Stark effect iarmhairt f3 Stark
starlight s réaltsolas m1
starlit night oíche f4 spéirghealaí
star of first magnitude réalta f4 den chéad mhéid
starry a réaltach
starry light (= sky-brightness) spéirghealach f2
starry nebula
réaltnéal m1 réaltach
star-shower réaltchith m3 (pl -cheathanna)
star stream réaltsruth m3
star trails réaltrianta mpl
static universe cruinne f4 statach
stationary point pointe m4 cónaitheach
stationary satellite satailít f2 chónaitheach
steady-state theory teoiric f2 na foistine
steady-state universe cruinne f4 fhoisteanach
Stefan-Boltzmann law (= Stefan's law) dlí m4 Stefan-Boltzmann, dlí m4 Stefan
stellar age aois f2 réaltach
stellar association (= star association) gaolmhaireacht f3 réaltach
stellar astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 réaltach
stellar atmosphere atmaisféar m1 réaltach
stellar cluster (= star cluster) réaltbhraisle f4
stellar diameter trastomhas m1 réaltach
stellar distribution dáileadh m réaltach
stellar evolution éabhlóid f2 réaltach
stellar explosion pléascadh m réalta
stellar masses maiseanna fpl réaltacha
stellar parallax saobhdhiallas m1 réaltach
stellar photography (= astrophotography) fótagrafaíocht f3 réaltach
stellar photometry (= astrophotometry) fótaiméadracht f3 réaltach
stellar population (= population, population type) réaltchineál m1 (pl -acha)
stellar radiation radaíocht f3 réaltach
stellar spectra speictrim mpl réaltacha
stellar statistics staitisticí fpl réaltacha
stellar system córas m1 réaltach
Stephan's quintet cúigréad m1 Stephan
stereo-comparator s steiréachomparadóir m3
Stern, the s (= the Poop, Puppis) (Const.) Deireadh m1 na Loinge
stony meteorite dreigít f2 chloiche
storm burst stoirmbhrúchtadh m (gs -chta)
Straight Wall, the an Balla m4 Díreach
stratosphere s strataisféar m1
striding level scarleibhéal m1
stroboscopic a stróbascópach
Stromberg's asymmetrical star streams réaltsruthanna mpl neamhshiméadracha Stromberg
structure s (of star) comhdhéanamh m1
subdwarf s fo-abhac m1
subgiant s fo-fhathach m1
suborbital flight eitilt f2 fho-fhithiseach
subsolar point pointe m4 foghréine
summer s samhradh m1
summer solstice grianstad m4 an tsamhraidh
summer triangle triantán m1 an tsamhraidh
Sun, the s an Ghrian f2
sundial s clog m1 gréine
sundog s (= mock sun, parhelion) grian f2 bhréige
spl gaobhardaithe mpl gréine
sun's motion gluaisne f4 na gréine
sunspot s grianspota m4
sunspot cycle ciogal m1 na ngrianspotaí
sunspot number líon m na ngrianspotaí
supergalaxy s for-réaltra m4
supergiant s ollfhathach m1
superior conjunction cónasc m1 uachtair
superior culmination buaic f2 uachtair
superior planet (= outer planet) pláinéad m1 lasmuigh
supernova s ollnóva m4
super-Schmidt s ollteileascóp m1 Schmidt
surface area achar m1 dromchla
surface brightness gile f4 dromchla
surface photometer fótaiméadar m1 dromchla
surface temperature teocht f3 dromchla
surge s borradh m (gs -rrtha)
Swan, the s (= Cygnus, the Northern Cross) (Const.) an Eala f4
Sword of Orion (= Orion's Sword) (Neb.) Claíomh m1 Oiríon
Swordfish, the s (= Dorado) (Const.) an Colgán m1
Sword-Handle, the s (= the Double Cluster in Perseus) (Clust.) Dorn m1 an Chlaímh
symbiotic star réalta f4 shiombóiseach
synchronous rotation rothlú m sioncrónach
synchronous satellite satailít f2 shioncrónach
synchrotron emission astú m sioncratróin
synchrotron radiation radaíocht f3 sioncratróin
synodic(al) period tréimhse f4 shionadach
synodic month (= lunation)f shionadach
Syrtis Major Syrtis Major
systematic error earráid f2 chórasach
syzygy s sisige f4



Table, the s (= Mensa) (Const.) an Tábla m4
tail s (of comet) eireaball m1 (cóiméid)
tangential velocity treoluas m1 tadhlaíoch
Tarantula nebula, the (= 30 Doradus, the Loop nebula) réaltnéal m1 an Tarantúla
T-associations spl T-ghaolmhaireachtaí fpl
Taurids spl (Met.Sh.) Táiridí fpl
Taurus s (= the Bull) (Const.) Taurus m4
Tautenburg telescope teileascóp m1 Tautenburg
Taygete s (Star) Taygete m4
tectonic a teicteonach
tectonics spl teicteonaic f2
tektite s teictít f2
telemetering s teiliméadrú m (gs -raithe)
telescope s teileascóp m1
Telescope, the s (= Telescopium) (Const.) an Teileascóp m1
telescopic a teileascópach
Telescopium s (= the Telescope) (Const.) Telescopium m4
telluric lines línte fpl teallúracha
Tellus s (Pl.) Tellus f4
Telstar 1 (Sat.) Telstar 1
Tempel's comet cóiméad m1 Tempel
temperature s teocht f3
temporal hours (= seasonal hours) uaireanta fpl aimseartha
temporary stars réaltaí fpl sealadacha
tenuous gas gás m1 tanaí
terminator s solasteorainn f (gs -ann)
terrestrial equator meánchiorcal m1 an domhain
terrestrial latitude domhanleithead m1
terrestrial longitude domhanfhad m1
terrestrial planets pláinéid mpl dhomhanda
Tethys s (Sat.) Tethys f4
theodolite s teodailít f2
theoretical astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 theoiriciúil
theoretical astrophysics réaltfhisic f2 theoiriciúil
thermocouple s teirmeachúpla m4
thermoelectric photometry fótaiméadracht f3 theirmileictreach
thermonuclear reaction imoibriú m teirmeanúicléach
thickness s (at the centre, edge) tiús m1 (sa lár, ag an imeall)
three-body problem fadhb f2 trí chorp
Thuban s (Star) Túban m1
tidal friction frithchuimilt f2 thaoidmhear
tides spl taoidí fpl
tilt See pan and tilt
time s am m3
time-dilation effect iarmhairt f amleata
time exposure nochtadh m ama
time of passing perihelion am m3 sroichte peirihéilin
time-reckoning s amchomhaireamh m1
time warp freangadh m ama
Tiros s (Sat.) Tiros m4
Titan s (Sat.) Tíotán m1
Titania s (Sat.) Titania f4
titanium oxide bands bandaí mpl ocsaíde tíotáiniam
Titius-Bode law (= Bode's law, Titius' law) dlí m4 Titius-Bode
Titius' law (= Bode's law, Titius-Bode law) dlí m4 Titius
topocentric zenith distance fad m1 topalárnach forair
total eclipse lánéiclips m4, lánurú m4
totality s lándorchadas m1
total magnitude lánmhéid f2
total mass lánmhais f2
Toucan, the s (= Tucana) (Const.) an Túcán m1
tower telescope túrtheileascóp m1
trail s rian m1 (pl -ta)
trajectory s ruthag m1
transfer ellipse (= transfer orbit, Hohmann orbit) éilips m4 aistrithe
transfer orbit (= Hohmann orbit, transfer ellipse) fithis f2 aistrithe
Transient Lunar Phenomenon Feiniméan m1 Díomuan Gealaí
s trasraitheoir m3
transit s trasdul m3 (pl -lta)
transit instrument (= meridian transit instrument) ionstraim f2 thrasdula
transit micrometer micriméadar m1 trasdula
transits of Venus trasdulta mpl Véineas
transmission coefficient comhéifeacht f3 tarchuir
transmission grating gríl f2 tarchuir
transparent a trédhearcach
trans-Plutonian planets pláinéid mpl thras-Phlútónacha
transverse velocity treoluas m1 trasnach
Trapezium in Orion, the an Traipéisiam m4 in Oiríon
Triangle, the s (= Triangulum) (Const.) an Triantán m1
triangulation s triantánú m (gs -naithe)
Triangulum s (= the Triangle) (Const.) Triangulum m4
Triangulum Australe (= the Southern Triangle) (Const.) Triangulum Australe
Triangulum Spiral Bís f2 an Triantáin
Trifid nebula, the an réaltnéal m1 Trípháirteach
trigonometrical parallax saobhdhiallas m1 triantánúil
triple-alpha process (= Salpeter process) próiseas m1 trí-alfa
triple objective réadlionsa m4 triarach
triple star tríréalta f4
tripod s tríchosach m1
triquetrum s (= Ptolemy's rules) tríchearnán m1
tritium s tritiam m4
Triton s (Sat.) Tríotón m1
Trojan group (= the Trojans) grúpa m4 Traíoch
Trojans, the spl (= Trojan group) na Traígh mpl
tropical year (= solar year) bliain f3 thrópaiceach
Tropics spl na Trópaicí fpl
tropopause s trópastad m4
troposphere s trópaisféar m1
true equinoxes fíorchónochtaí mpl
true position fíorshuíomh m1
true sidereal time fíor-réaltam m3
Trumpler's classification aicmiú m Trumpler
Tucana s (= the Toucan) (Const.) Tucana f4
Tully-Fisher relation coibhneas m1 Tully-Fisher
Tunguska meteorite
dreigít f2 Tunguska
turbulence s suaiteacht f3
turbulence theory teoiric f2 (na) suaiteachta
twenty-one-centimetre radiation radaíocht f3 ceintiméadar is fiche
twilight s breacsholas m1
twinkling s (= scintillation) drithliú m (gs -ithe)
Twins, the spl (= Gemini) (Const.) an Cúpla m4
two-body problem fadhb f2 dhá chorp
Tycho s (Crat.) Tycho m4
Tycho Brahe's star réalta f4 Tycho Brahe
Tychonic system córas m1 Tycho



UBV system córas m1 UBV
UFO (= unidentified flying object) úfó m4 (pl -nna)
U Geminorum stars réaltaí fpl U Geminorum
ultraviolet astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 ultraivialait
ultraviolet radiation (= UV) radaíocht f3 ultraivialait
ultraviolet ray ga m4 ultraivialait
umbra s lánscáil f2
Umbriel s (Sat.) Umbriel m4
unblemished a (of face of sun, planet, etc.) gan teimheal
unequal binary déréalta f4 éagothrom
unequal double star réalta f4 dhúbailte éagothrom
Unicorn, the s (= Monoceros) (Const.) an tAonbheannach m1
unidentified flying object (= UFO) réad m3 eitilte gan aithint
Universal Time (UT)
Am m3 Uilíoch, AU
universe s cruinne f4
unseen component comhbhall m1 gan fheiceáil
unstable star réalta f4 éagobhsaí
Urania s (Ast.) Urania f4
uranometry s (= celestial measurement) úránaiméadracht f3
Uranus s (Pl.) Úránas m1
Ursa Major (= the Great Bear) (Const.) Ursa Major
Ursa Major cluster réaltbhraisle f4 Ursa Major
Ursa Minor (= the Little Bear) (Const.) Ursa Minor
UT (Universal Time) AU, Am m3 Uilíoch
UV radiation (= ultraviolet radiation) radaíocht f3 ultraivialait, radaíocht UV



vacuum thermocouple teirmeachúpla m4 folúis
Van Allen belt (= radiation belt, Van Allen zone) crios m3 Van Allen
Van Allen zone (= radiation belt, Van Allen belt) crios m3 Van Allen
variable s (= variable star) réalta f4 athraitheach
variable nebula réaltnéal m1 athraitheach
variable star (= variable) réalta f4 athraitheach
variation s comhathrú m (gs -raithe)
variation of constants comhathrú m na dtairiseach
variation of latitude comhathrú m an domhanleithid
Vega s (Star) Vega m4
Veil nebula réaltnéal m1 an Fhéil
Vela spl (= the Sails) (Const.) Vela mpl
velocity s treoluas m1
velocity of escape (= escape velocity) treoluas m1 éalaithe
Venus s (Pl.) Véineas f4
Venus probes taiscéalaithe mpl Véineas
vernal equinox (= First Point of Aries) cónocht m3 an earraigh
vernier s (= vernier scale) scála m4 Vernier
vernier scale (= vernier) scála m4 Vernier
vertex s (= apex) rinn f2
vertical circle ingearchiorcal m1
vertical line ingearlíne f4
Very Large Array, the (VLA) an tEagar m1 Ollmhór
Vesta s (Ast.) Vesta f4
vibration s creathadh m1
video astronomy fís-réalteolaíocht f3
vignetting s fínéadú m (gs -daithe)
violet layer ciseal m1 vialait
Virgin, the s (= Virgo) (Const.) an Mhaighdean f2
Virgo s (= the Virgin) (Const.) Virgo f4
Virgo cluster braisle f4 Virgo
visible light solas m1 infheicthe
visible light-ray ga m4 solais infheicthe
visible spectrum, the an speictream m1 infheicthe
visual a amharc-
visual binary déréalta f4 infheicthe
visual magnitude amharcmhéid f2
visual photometry amharcfhótaiméadracht f3
Volans s (= Piscis Volans, the Flying Fish) (Const.) Volans m4
volume s toirt f2
von Weizsäcker's theory teoiric f2 von Weizsäcker
vortex s cuilithe f4
Vulcan s (Pl.) Bolcán m1
vulcanism s bolcánachas m1
Vulpecula s (= the Fox) (Const.) Vulpecula f4



walled plain (= ring plain) machaire m4 fálaithe
wandering of the poles fán m1 na bpol
wandering stars réaltaí fpl fáin
waning moon gealach f2 ag caitheamh, gealach f2 ag dul ar gcúl
warp s freangadh m (gs -gtha)
Water-bearer, the (= Aquarius) (Const.) Iompróir m3 an Uisce
water clock (= clepsydra) dobharchlog m1
water droplets braonáin mpl uisce
water ice oighear m1 uisce
Watersnake, the s (= Hydra) (Const.) an Phéist f2 Uisce
wavelength s tonnfhad m1
waxing moon gealach f2 ag líonadh, gealach ag teacht ann
weather satellite satailít f2 aimsire
wedge photometer dingfhótaiméadar m1
week s seachtain f2
Western European Time Am m3 Iarthar na hEorpa
west point pointe m4 an iarthair
Whale, the s (= Cetus) (Const.) an Míol m1 Mór
Whirlpool Galaxy Réaltra m4 an Ghuairneáin
white corona bánchoróin f (gs -ónach)
white dwarf abhac m1 bán
white nebula réaltnéal m1 bán
white spot spota m4 bán
wide-field a leathanréimse gs as a
Widmanstätten figures (= Widmanstätten patterns) patrúin mpl Widmanstätten
Widmanstätten patterns (= Widmanstätten figures) patrúin mpl Widmanstätten
Wien's law
dlí m4 Wien
Wild Duck, the (Clust.) an Lacha f Fhiáin
Wild's trio tréach m1 Wild
Wilson effect iarmhairt f3 Wilson
Winking Demon, the (= Algol, the Demon Star) an Deamhanréalta f4
winter s geimhreadh m1
winter solstice grianstad m4 an gheimhridh
Wolf, the s (= Lupus) (Const.) an Faolchú m4
Wolf diagram léaráid f2 Wolf
Wolf-Palisa charts cairteacha fpl Wolf-Palisa
Wolf-Rayet stars (= W stars) réaltaí fpl Wolf-Rayet
Wolf sunspot number líon m1 grianspotaí Wolf
Wonderful, the (= Mira Ceti)
(Star) Mira Ceti
world line domhanlíne f4
world models domhansamhlacha fpl
world system domhanchóras m1
W stars (= Wolf-Rayet stars) W-réaltaí fpl
W Virginis star réalta f4 W Virginis



x-radiation s x-radaíocht f3
x-ray s x-gha m4 (pl x-ghathanna)
x-ray astronomy réalteolaíocht f3 x-ghathach
x-ray binary déréalta f4 x-ghathach
x-ray burster roisteoir m3 x-ghathach
x-ray star
réalta f4 x-ghathach



Yagi aerial (= Yagi antenna) aeróg f2 Yagi
Yagi antenna (= Yagi aerial) aeróg f2 Yagi
year s bliain f3
year of the seasons bliain f3 na séasúr
yellow clouds scamaill mpl bhuí
Yerkes refractor athraonadóir m3 Yerkes
ylem s éilim f2
young open clusters réaltbhraislí fpl oscailte óga



Zeeman effect iarmhairt f3 Zeeman
zenith s forar m1
zenithal a forarach
zenith attraction forar-aomadh m (gs -mtha)
zenith circle ciorcal m1 forair
zenith distance fad m1 forair
zenith refraction athraonadh m forair
zenith sector teascóg f2 forair
zenith stars réaltaí fpl forair
zenith telescope teileascóp m1 forair
zero-age main sequence (= initial main sequence) príomhsheicheamh m1 tosaigh
Zeta Aurigae (Star) Zeta Aurigae
Zodiac s an Stoidiaca m4
zodiacal band banda m4 stoidiacach
zodiacal light solas m1 stoidiacach
Zöllner photometer fótaiméadar m1 Zöllner
Zond probes taiscéalaithe mpl Zond
zone s crios m3 (pl -anna)
zone observations criosbhreathnuithe mpl
zone of avoidance, the an gannchrios m3